adjective[after verb]
knowingthat somethingexists, or havingknowledgeorexperienceof aparticularthing:
意识到的;明白的;知道的[+ that]I wasn'tevenawarethathe wasill.我都不知道他生病了。
Were you awareoftherisksat thetime?你当时意识到危险了吗?
She waswell(= very)aware that he wasmarried.她很清楚他已结婚了。
"Has Claudepaidthephonebill?" "Notasfaras I'maware."(= I don'tthinkso)“克劳德交电话费了吗?”“据我所知没有。”
Isuddenlybecameawareof(=startedtonotice)himlookingat me.我突然意识到他在看着我。
aware of something
- awareWe are aware that some people are getting frustrated.
- consciousI am conscious of the need for greater scrutiny of these matters.
- cognizantMost people are cognizant of the fact that some pollsters ask leading questions.
- knowWe know that people who are stressed out look haggard.
to know facts
- knowI know you've been hiding something from me.
- be familiar withI'm very familiar with various accountancy software packages.
- informedit's important to keep the public informed about the steps they're taking.
- be apprised ofThe suspect will be apprised of their rights.
- realizeI realized that it was too late to stop them from finding out.
- have heard ofMost Americans have never heard of the California Air Resources Board.
havingspecialinterestin orexperienceof something and soknowingwhat ishappeningin thatsubjectat thepresenttime:
有…意识的;有…觉悟的;有…知识的to beecologically/politicallyaware有生态保护/政治意识
- People arebecomingfarmore aware ofenvironmentalissues.
- I'm very much aware of theproblem.
- "Were you aware of thespeedyou weredrivingat,madam?" "No,officer."
- She's well aware of herstrengthsand weaknesses as anartist.
- If I'd been aware that things were soserious, I'd have told thepolice.
- abreast
- acquainted
- alive
- alive tosomethingidiom
- awake
- awakening
- conscious
- familiar
- genned up
- have/keepyourfinger on the pulseidiom
- informed
- insider
- interoceptive
- overeducated
- perceive
- picture
- preliterate
- privy
- profound
- putsomeonein the pictureidiom