a verygreatsuccess,achievement, orvictory(= when youwinawar,fight, orcompetition), or afeelingofgreatsatisfactionorpleasurecausedby this:
Thesigningof theagreementwas apersonaltriumphfortheprimeminister.该协议的签订对首相而言是一项伟大的个人成就。
It was theRepublicanParty's thirdelectiontriumph in arow.这是共和党连续第3次赢得选举的胜利。
Theeradicationofsmallpoxbyvaccinationwas one of medicine'sgreatesttriumphs.通过接种疫苗根除天花是医学上最伟大的成就之一。
Theconstitutionalchangeshave beenhailedasa triumphfordemocracy.宪法改革被誉为民主政治所取得的一项重大成就。
Thegameendedintriumph for thehometeam.比赛以主队获胜而告终。
Hereturnedintriumph from thesaleswith ahalf-priceTV.他在商店大减价中满载而归,买回来一台半价电视机。
to achieve something aimed for
- succeedIf you work hard, you'll succeed.
- thriveUniversity is a place where she will thrive.
- flourishHe tried journalism, but flourished as a novelist.
- triumphThe Labour Party triumphed in the election.
- bring something offShe's one of the few singers who can bring off such a difficult piece of music.
someone or something that becomes popular, wealthy, or has achieved a lot
- successThe new TV series was a wild success.
- a roaring successHer third album was a roaring success and went platinum.
- hitDinner was a hit with the kids.
- triumphThe court verdict was a triumph for all abuse victims.
- winWhat can we do to get a win out of this situation?
- He's alwayscrowingabout hislatesttriumph.
- Saint Augustine's 'City ofGod' is anallegoryof the triumph of Good over Evil.
- Histumultuoustriumph 5yearsago nowseemsamerefootnoteinhistory.
- Hiseyesgleamedin triumph.
- Thevictoryover theFrenchat Waterloo was Wellington'sgreatesttriumph.
Success and achievements
- a feather inyourcapidiom
- a roaring successidiom
- accomplishment
- achievement
- achievement test
- ascension
- ascent
- belt
- boom
- every dog has its dayidiom
- feat
- fruition
- havesomethingunderyourbeltidiom
- laugh
- quantum leap
- secret sauce
- sellout
- stratosphere
- tear
- zero
uk/ˈtraɪ.əmf/us/ˈtraɪ.əmf/to have a verygreatsuccessorvictory:
取得巨大成功;胜利Ibelievethatsoonerorlatergood must triumphoverevil.我相信正义终究要战胜邪恶。
The Democratsonceagain triumphed inrecentelections.民主党人在最近的选举中再次获胜。
Winning and defeating
- annihilate
- annihilation
- bank
- be gunning forsomeoneidiom
- be one in the eye forsomeoneidiom
- convincing
- moral victory
- move/go in for the killidiom
- near thing
- outclass
- outcompete
- sew
- slaughter
- sweep
- sweep the boardidiom
- takesomeonedown
- takesomeoneto the cleaner'sidiom
- takesomethingapart
- takedown
- wipe