act verb (BEHAVE )
[I ] tobehavein thestatedway:
行为,行事;举止,表现 act like Don't be sosilly- you're acting like achild! 别冒傻气了——你的行为简直就像个孩子!
He acted as if he'd nevermetme before. 他摆出一副好像以前从没见过我的样子。
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto behave
behaveThe kids behaved well at grandma’s yesterday. behavePeople behave differently when they can provide feedback anonymously. actTwo men were acting suspiciously in the car park. conduct yourselfCaptain Bingham has conducted himself in a manner unbecoming to an officer. comport yourselfShe comported herself with great dignity at her husband's funeral. See more results »
When hesawthecrash, theyoungboyacted veryresponsiblyand called thepolice. Try to actconfidently,evenif youfeelnervous. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesActing and acts
(your) every moveidiom -ation act/dosomething onyour own responsibility idiom activity ADL agency ant er execution exploit fait accompli feel move responsibility role play rot step step up stuff talk See more results »
act verb (DO SOMETHING )
B2 [I ] to do something for aparticularpurposeor tosolveaproblem:
做事;采取行动 [+ to infinitive ] Engineers actedquicklytorepairthedamagedpipes. 工程师们马上采取行动维修损坏的管道。
act for Who is acting for thedefendant?
act on behalf of Theagentwas acting onbehalfof(=representing) herclient, a Broadwayactress.
She acted withoutthinking. 她不加思索就采取了行动。
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto take action
take actionIt may already be too late to take action to prevent the loss of habitat these animals face. actThey need to act decisively to prevent further damage to crops. take measuresWe call on the government to take the necessary measures to bring to justice those responsible for this attack. take stepsThe authorities have taken steps to prevent any reoccurrence of the problem. do somethingIt's about time the government did something about it. See more results »
You'll have to actfastor you willloseyourchance. It's veryimportantto act now before theproblemgets reallyserious. Thecourtdecidedthat thecompaniesactedillegally. Despite what youthink, I'm only acting inyourbestinterests. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesActing and acts
(your) every moveidiom -ation act/dosomething onyour own responsibility idiom activity ADL agency ant er execution exploit fait accompli feel move responsibility role play rot step step up stuff talk See more results »
act verb (HAVE AN EFFECT )
[I ] to have aneffect:
起作用,见效 Theanaestheticactedquickly. 麻醉剂很快起了作用。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAffecting and influencing
across-the-board affect applicability be/fall undersomeone's influence/spell idiom bear bear onsomething carry colour ear inspiration instrumental interinfluence involve jerk pen spill spill over start(something) off tastemaker tell againstsomeone/something See more results »
act verb (PERFORM )
B1 [I orT ] toperformapartin afilm,play, etc.:
演出;扮演,饰演 Ellis Pike waschosento act thepartof thelawyerin thefilm. 埃利斯•帕克被选中在影片中扮演律师这一角色。
Have youeveracted in aplaybefore? 你以前演过戏剧吗?
act the fool, martyr, etc.
tobehavein aparticular, usuallybad, way:
(通常指装腔作势地)装傻(作出一副假圣人的样子等) Why are you always acting thefool? 你为什么老装傻?
See more Thewholeplaywasappallinglyacted. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCinema & theatre: acting, rehearsing & performing
act out amateur theater appear appearance blocking camp chew chew the scenery idiom greasepaint improvisation interpreter method acting re-enactment recreation rep tread walk walk throughsomething walkthrough wrap party See more results »
Phrasal verbs act assomething
act onsomething
act out
actsomething out
act up
act noun (THING DONE )
B2 [C ] something that you do:
行为;作为;所做之事 act of an act ofaggression/bravery/madness/terrorism 侵略行为/勇敢的行为/疯狂的举动/恐怖主义行径
simple act Thesimpleact oftellingsomeone about aproblemcanhelp. 就算是仅仅将问题对他人倾吐也会对自己起到帮助。
akind/thoughtless/selfishact 善举/轻率的举动/自私的行为
artisticrepresentations of thesexualact 性行为的艺术体现
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesyour actions
actionYou should take responsibility for your own actions. actThis was considered to be an act of war. thingThat’s the last thing you should be doing if you’re pregnant. activityNot all of her business activities were scrupulously clean. moveApplying for that job was a good move. deedTheir evil deeds must not go unpunished. See more results »
Hismurderwas anoutrageousandbarbarousact. The word 'flight' has two differentmeanings: aplanejourney, and the act ofrunningaway. Thelawspecificallyforbidsacts of thiskind. The GeorgeCrossisawardedto Britishciviliansfor acts ofgreatbravery. It was an act ofextraordinaryirresponsibilitytoleavesomeone who wasn'tproperlytrainedinchargeof themachine. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesActing and acts
(your) every moveidiom -ation act/dosomething onyour own responsibility idiom activity ADL agency ant er execution exploit fait accompli feel move responsibility role play rot step step up stuff talk See more results »
act noun (PERFORMANCE )
C2 [S ] behaviourthathidesyourrealfeelingsorintentions:
装模作样;装腔作势;假装 Was she reallyupsetor was that just an act? 她是真的难过还是只装装样子?
[C ] apersonorgroupthatperformsashortpiecein a show, or thepiecethat theyperform:
表演者(或表演组合);一段表演 acomedy/juggling/trapezeact 一段喜剧/杂耍/高空秋千表演节目
Our next act is a verytalentedyoungmusician. 表演下一个节目的是一位才华横溢的年轻音乐家。
B1 [C ] apartof aplayoropera :
(戏剧或歌剧的)幕 Shakespeare'splayswere written in five acts. 莎士比亚的戏剧是按五幕剧格式创作的。
Theherodoes notenteruntil the second act/Act Two. 男主角直到第二幕才出场。
Themaincharactersareoffstagefor most of the second act. Thebestpartof hisstageact was abrilliantElvis Presleyimpression. Isawtheworstcomedyact I'veeverseenlastnight- it wasabsolutelydreadful! He put on an act ofbravery, but Iknowthat he wasabsolutelyterrified. They mayseemto be verypoliteandfriendly, but it's only an act. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFaking & pretending
affect air guitar assume believe changeling charlatan cry false false modesty falsifiable falsify feign massage mountebank out-bluff passsomething off assomething phoney professed purport quackery See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cinema & theatre: actors & performers
Spectacles & performances
Cinema & theatre: parts of plays, shows & films
act noun (LAW )
[C ] law specialized alaworformaldecisionmade by aparliamentor othergroupofpeoplewho make thelawsfortheircountry:
法案;法令 an Act of Parliament 议会法案
the Betting and Gaming Act 《赌博法》
Almost two hundredsuspectsweredetainedin the UK lastyearunder the Prevention of Terrorism Act. 根据《防止恐怖主义法》,去年英国有将近200名嫌疑人被拘留。
Thestatelegislaturepassedan actbanningthesaleofautomaticweapons. 州议会通过了一项禁止销售自动武器的法令。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRules & laws
admiralty anti-bribery anti-regulatory anti-sodomy anti-speculative binding edict juridical leash law legislation non-binding non-competition non-regulation protocol retroactive self-regulation sharia the Highway Code the law is an ass idiom the Official Secrets Act See more results »
Idioms an act of God
be a hard/tough act to follow
do a disappearing/vanishing act
getyour act together
get/muscle in on the act
put on an act
(Definition ofact from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
act verb (BEHAVE )
[I ] tobehavein thestatedway
行为,行事;举止,表现 Don't be sosilly- you're actinglike achild! 别冒傻气了——你的行为简直就像个孩子!
He actedas if he'd nevermetme before. 他摆出一副好像以前从没见过我的样子。
When hesawthecrash, theyoungboyacted veryresponsiblyand called thepolice. Try to act confidently,evenif youfeelnervous.
act verb (DO SOMETHING )
B2 [I ] to do something for aparticularpurposeor tosolveaproblem
做事;采取行动 [+ to infinitive ] Engineers actedquicklyto repairthedamagedpipes. 工程师们马上采取行动维修损坏的管道。
She acted withoutthinking. 她不加思索就采取了行动。
Who is actingfor/onbehalfof (= who isrepresenting) thedefendant? 谁是被告的代理律师?
He never actson other people'sadvice(= does what otherpeoplesuggest) . 他一意孤行,从不听取别人的建议。
Actingonimpulse (= withoutthinkingfirst) can get you into a lot oftrouble. 意气用事,后患无穷。
You'll have to actfastor you willloseyourchance. It's veryimportantto act now before theproblemgets reallyserious. Thecourtdecidedthat thecompaniesacted illegally. Despite what youthink, I'm only acting inyourbestinterests.
act verb (HAVE AN EFFECT )
起作用,见效 Theanaestheticactedquickly. 麻醉剂很快起了作用。
act verb (PERFORM )
B1 [I orT ] toperformapartin afilm,play, etc.
演出;扮演,饰演 Ellis Pike waschosento act thepart of thelawyerin thefilm. 埃利斯•帕克被选中在影片中扮演律师这一角色。
Have youeveractedin aplaybefore? 你以前演过戏剧吗?
act the fool, martyr, etc.
tobehavein aparticular, usuallybad, way
(通常指装腔作势地)装傻(作出一副假圣人的样子等) Why are you always acting thefool? 你为什么老装傻?
Thewholeplaywasappallinglyacted. Phrasal verbs act assth
act out
actsth out
act up
act noun (THING DONE )
B2 [C ] something that you do
行为;作为;所做之事 an actof aggression/bravery/madness/terrorism 侵略行为/勇敢的行为/疯狂的举动/恐怖主义行径
akind/thoughtless/selfishact 善举/轻率的举动/自私的行为
Thesimpleact oftellingsomeone about aproblemcanhelp. 就算是仅仅将问题对他人倾吐也会对自己起到帮助。
Primitivepeopleregardedstormsas an actofGod . 原始人认为风暴是神的所为。
artisticrepresentations of thesexual act 性行为的艺术体现
Hismurderwas anoutrageousandbarbarousact. The word 'flight' has two differentmeanings: aplanejourney, and the act ofrunningaway. Thelawspecificallyforbidsacts of thiskind. The George Cross isawardedto Britishciviliansfor acts ofgreatbravery. It was an act ofextraordinaryirresponsibilitytoleavesomeone who wasn'tproperlytrainedinchargeof themachine.
act noun (PERFORMANCE )
C2 [S ] behaviourthathidesyourrealfeelingsorintentions
装模作样;装腔作势;假装 Was she reallyupsetor was that just an act? 她是真的难过还是只装装样子?
[C ] apersonorgroupthatperformsashortpiecein a show, or thepiecethat theyperform.
表演者(或表演组合);一段表演 acomedy/juggling/trapezeact 一段喜剧/杂耍/高空秋千表演节目
Our next act is a verytalentedyoungmusician. 表演下一个节目的是一位才华横溢的年轻音乐家。
B1 [C ] apartof aplayoropera
(戏剧或歌剧的)幕 Shakespeare'splayswere written in five acts. 莎士比亚的戏剧是按五幕剧格式创作的。
Theherodoes notenteruntil the second act/Act Two. 男主角直到第二幕才出场。
Themaincharactersareoffstagefor most of the second act. Thebestpartof hisstageact was abrilliantElvis Presleyimpression. Isawtheworstcomedyact I'veeverseenlastnight- it wasabsolutelydreadful! He put on an act ofbravery, but Iknowthat he wasabsolutelyterrified. They mayseemto be verypoliteandfriendly, but it's only an act.
act noun (LAW )
[C ] law specialized alaworformaldecisionmade by aparliamentor othergroupofpeoplewho make thelawsfortheircountry
法案;法令 an Act of Parliament 议会法案
the Betting and Gaming Act 《赌博法》
Almost two hundredsuspectsweredetainedin the UK lastyearunder the Prevention of Terrorism Act. 根据《防止恐怖主义法》,去年英国有将近200名嫌疑人被拘留。
Thestatelegislaturepassed an actbanningthesaleofautomaticweapons. 州议会通过了一项禁止销售自动武器的法令。
Idioms be a hard/tough act to follow
do a disappearing/vanishing act
getyour act together
get/muscle in on the act
put on an act
act verb (DO SOMETHING )
[I ] to do something for aparticularpurposeor in aparticularway:
[+ to infinitive ] Thepresidentactedquicklytobringfederalaidtoareasdamagedbyflooding.
She actedresponsibly.
He acted as if he’d neverseenme before.
She acted as(=performedin thepositionof) atourguidefor thegroup.
He said he was acting on(= doing something as aresultof) theadviceof hislawyer.
act verb (PERFORM )
[I/T ] toperformin amovie,play, ortelevisionshow:
[T ] He acts thepartof asmall-townlawyer.
[I ] She has acted inlotsoftelevisionsitcoms.
Phrasal verbs act out
act up
act up
act up
act noun [C] (LAW )
law alawmade byCongressor anotherlegislature:
act noun [C] (PERFORM )
one of a set ofshortperformancesthat arepartsof a show, or thepersonorgroupwhoperformsone of theseparts:
fig. Hisstoryis just an act(= ispretendedand notsincere) .
An act is also one of themainpartsof aplayoropera:
Theplayispresentedin three acts.
(Definition ofact from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
[C ] something that someone does:
Apartnermay beheldresponsiblefor the acts of his co-partnerscommittedin thenameof thefirm.
He hasledaninvestigationintostockmarketmanipulationandvariousillegalacts andswindles.
[C ] LAW (also Act ) alaworformaldecisionmade by aparliamentor othergroupofelectedlaw-makers:
The 2010 act, withitsrequirementfor areviewoffinancialcontrols, hashelpeddriveup thecostofcorporateauditsby as much as 50%.
be a hard/tough act to follow informal
to be so good that it isunlikelythat anyone or anything that comes after will be as good:
Thecompanycouldlosemomentumwithoutitschiefexecutive, who will be a hard act tofollow.
get in on the act informal mainly UK (US get into the act )
to takeadvantageof orbecomeinvolvedwith something that someoneelsestarted:
There's always adebatein themachineroomabout theproduct,longbefore themarketingmen andeditorsget in on the act.
get your act together informal
toorganizeyourself so that you do things in aneffectiveway:
Mr Dinsdale said it wascrucialthat theDepartmentof Trade & Industry gotitsact together.
to do something with theintentionofachievingaparticularresult:
act to do sth Engineers will need to actquicklytorepairthedamagedpipes.
act quickly/swiftly/now Anyone whowantsa fixed-ratedealshould act now.
act decisively/improperly/responsibly It is nowtimeformanagementto actdecisively.
act against/in sb's interests There wereclaimsthat themanagementwas acting againstshareholders'interests.
Members should act in thebestinterestsof thecompany.
act in good faith
to do somethingbelievingthat it is therightthing to do:
Althougherrorsofjudgementwere made, at alltimesthe company'sstaffacted in goodfaith.
Phrasal verbs act as sth
act for/on behalf of sb/sth
act on sth
(Definition ofact from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof act act
Theact of oviposition was very quick, often lasting less than half a second. From theCambridge English Corpus
The objective reality in which an individual lives and acts is not "purely natural" but includes products of former human social activity. From theCambridge English Corpus
The expenditure cap was eliminated and food stamps returned to full entitlement status in the 1990 reauthorizationact . From theCambridge English Corpus
Anact from 1475 also extended the regulations of 1422 to the entire kingdom. From theCambridge English Corpus
At the thirdact , he was replaced by a new athlete who at first did marvellously well because he was fresh. From theCambridge English Corpus
One viewed the community as an object - a network of interdependent systems, bureaucratic organizations, interest groups, political parties, and so forth, which is acted upon. From theCambridge English Corpus
Only where both coincide can business be expected toact out of moral concerns for past sins or the future public good. From theCambridge English Corpus
However, their closest collaborators remained and have acted as surrogate aristocrats. From theCambridge English Corpus
The remaining 2 birds acted as uninfected controls. From theCambridge English Corpus
However, two top acts took less co-operative stances. From theCambridge English Corpus
The 1859 law allowed the registration of haciendas and labour contracts, but the $.10 per contract charge acted as a disincentive to the system's use. From theCambridge English Corpus
They resulted from the reflection on the possibilities of acting with certain material means; not of symbolic operations, but with those of technical operations. From theCambridge English Corpus
Ximelagatran acts by binding directly to free and clot-bound thrombin, thereby preventing the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, the primary component of blood clots (28). From theCambridge English Corpus
We would expect a relatively high degree of focusing, which willact as a brake on structural borrowing. From theCambridge English Corpus
Moreover, these kinds of acts typically require agents with a particular skill or facility. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith act act These are words often used in combination withact .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
act of aggression
Taken together, these factors provide a reasonable explanation for the initial act of aggression.
From theCambridge English Corpus
act of brutality
We should be able to inflict corporal punishment from the air for any acts of brutality which may be contemplated against this country.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
act of contrition
For example, in the absence of priestly absolution, the laity must assist the sick to perform 'an act of contrition' which would achieve forgiveness and open the gates of paradise.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.