uk/ˈæk.ʃən/us/ˈæk.ʃən/actionnoun(DOING SOMETHING)
theprocessof doing something,especiallywhendealingwith aproblemordifficulty:
(尤指应对问题或困难的)行动;行动过程;行为Thisproblemcallsforswift/promptaction from thegovernment.这一问题需要政府马上采取行动。
[+ to infinitive]Actiontopreventthespreadof thediseaseis high on the government'sagenda.采取行动防止疾病蔓延是政府的当务之急。
We musttakeaction(= do something)todealwith theproblembefore itspreadsto otherareas.在这一问题蔓延到其他地区之前我们一定要采取行动将其解决。
So what's theplanofaction?(= What are we going to do?)那么行动计划是什么?
Thecomplaintssystemswingsintoaction(=startstowork)assoonas aclaimis made.一旦有人提出索赔,马上启动投诉处理系统。
Thecommitteewasspurredintoaction(=encouragedto do something)by thethreatofgovernmentcuts.政府威胁要削减经费,这促使委员会采取了行动。
necessary action
- actionThey are considering legal action.
- course of actionThey have not yet decided on a particular course of action.
- measureMeasures are in place to prevent flooding.
- stepThese simple steps will ensure that infections are not spread.
to take action
- take actionIt may already be too late to take action to prevent the loss of habitat these animals face.
- actThey need to act decisively to prevent further damage to crops.
- take measuresWe call on the government to take the necessary measures to bring to justice those responsible for this attack.
- take stepsThe authorities have taken steps to prevent any reoccurrence of the problem.
- do somethingIt's about time the government did something about it.
- Thegovernmentissupportingmilitaryaction.
- Therichercountriesof theworldmust take action tohelpthepoorercountries.
- Ihopetheseargumentshaveconvincedyou of the need for action.
- Thearmyare said to bereadyfor action.
- It isclearthat most womensupportedthis action, from theresultsof theopinionpoll.
Acting and acts
- (your)every moveidiom
- -ation
- act
- act/dosomethingonyourown responsibilityidiom
- activity
- agency
- ant
- er
- execution
- exploit
- fait accompli
- move
- responsibility
- role play
- rot
- step
- step up
- stuff
- talk
actionnoun(SOMETHING DONE)
something that you do:
行为;作为;所做之事She has toaccepttheconsequencesof her actions.她必须对自己行为的后果负责。
Iaskedhim toexplainhis actions.我要求他为自己的所作所为作出解释。
your actions
- actionYou should take responsibility for your own actions.
- actThis was considered to be an act of war.
- thingThat’s the last thing you should be doing if you’re pregnant.
- activityNot all of her business activities were scrupulously clean.
- moveApplying for that job was a good move.
- deedTheir evil deeds must not go unpunished.
(身体的)动作I'll say the words and you canmimethe actions.我会说出这些词,你可以做动作把它们的意思表达出来。
It onlyneedsasmallwristaction(=movementof thewrist)tostarttheprocess.只需动一动手腕,程序就启动了。
- Shewroteanangryletterto thepapercomplainingabout the council's action.
- The foursoldiersreceivedmedalsfortheirbraveactions.
- Thedefendantwasdepressedandthereforenotfullyresponsiblefor her own actions.
- We will notallowtheviolentactions ofterroriststochangeourway oflife.
- I'msorryIpunchedhim, it was areflexaction.
Acting and acts
- (your)every moveidiom
- -ation
- act
- act/dosomethingonyourown responsibilityidiom
- activity
- agency
- ant
- er
- execution
- exploit
- fait accompli
- move
- responsibility
- role play
- rot
- step
- step up
- stuff
- talk
things that arehappening,especiallyexcitingorimportantthings:
发生的事情;(尤指)令人激动的事或大事I likemovieswith a lot of action.我喜欢情节紧凑的影片。
In her lastnovel, the action(= themainevents)movesbetween Greece andsouthernSpain.在她最近发表的那本小说里,故事情节在希腊和西班牙南部交替展开。
- activityThere were several police vans and a lot of activity in the area.
- hubbubI couldn't find her with all the hubbub going on.
- bustleI miss the bustle of the big city.
- hustle and bustleShe got used to the hustle and bustle of daily life.
- flurry of activityWhat was the reason behind this sudden flurry of activity?
- burst of activityIt's usually quiet in the shop, but occasionally we have a sudden burst of activity.
astyleoffilmin which a lot ofexcitingand oftenviolentthingshappen:
His film-makingstyleblendsaction,horror, andcomedy.
The actiongenreis oftenassumedtoappealmore to men.
See also
action movie
where the action is
at theplacewhere somethingimportantorinterestingishappening:
大事(或趣事)发生的地方Ajournalisthas to be where the action is.记者必须要身临事件的现场。
- Themovieprovidesplenty of heart-pounding action whiledeliveringapoliticalmessage.
- Atvariouspointsin theplay, the actiontipsover fromcomedyintofarce.
- Herlatestfilmis thestapleofferingof action andcomedywhich we have come toexpect.
- I neverexpectedto beinvolvedin the actiongenrewhere I'd bedodgingexplosionsandjumpingout ofspeedingcars.
- Shelandedapartin a multi-millionpoundactionthrillerand made theHollywoodAlist.
Events and occurrences
- -athon
- affair
- back story
- be (all) part of life's rich tapestry/pageantidiom
- benefit
- binge
- brush
- car wash
- curveball
- date night
- edition
- epiphenomenon
- episode
- near miss
- occasion
- occurrence
- proceedings
- reoccurrence
- saga
- thing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Types of film, play, book etc.
Cinema ratings & types of film
theeffectsomething has on another thing:
(一物对另一物所起的)作用Theyrecordedthe action of thedrugonthenervoussystem.他们记录下了这种药物对神经系统的作用。
- Accumulations ofsandcan beformedby the action ofwavesoncoastalbeaches.
- The action ofmarketforcesmeansthat thecostof somethingrisesifdemandfor itrisesand theamountavailableremainsconstant.
- His manyyearsofresearchmade him anexperton the action ofsnakevenom.
- Thedistinctivelandscapehas beenformedby the action ofrunningwateron thelimestone.
- Theprojectwillstudythe action ofvariousdrugson thehumanbody.
Outcomes and consequences
- aftereffect
- aftermath
- age
- be a monument tosomethingidiom
- bed
- end result
- fallout
- first fruit
- implication
- in
- ironically
- irony
- knock-on effect
- repercussion
- resultant
- resulting
- reverberation
- ripple effect
- sequel
- side effect
fightingin awar:
He wasreportedmissinginaction.报告称他在战斗中失踪了。
Hesawaction(=foughtas asoldier)in thetrenches.他参加了堑壕战。
- a fight to the finishidiom
- bellicosity
- blood diamond
- blow
- boots on the groundidiom
- call to arms
- combat
- come close to blowsidiom
- conflict diamond
- grapple
- rout
- scrimmage
- shootout
- skirmish
- stoush
- tangle
- tangle withsomeone
- tilt
- toe
- turf war
actionnoun(WAY THING WORKS)
the way somethingmovesorworks:
运作;功能Westudiedthe action of thedigestivesystem.我们研究了消化系统的机能。
Thecarhas a verysmoothbrakingaction.这辆轿车刹车性能很平稳。
Machines - Functioning
- actuator
- asthmatically
- deactivation
- engaged
- firesomeoneup
- function assomething/someone
- functional
- functionality
- functioning
- in commissionidiom
- light
- operate
- operational
- order
- power
- reset
- self-driving
- start
- start (something) up
- tick over
actionnoun(LEGAL PROCESS)
alegalprocessthat isdecidedin alawcourt:
Shebroughtan action (fornegligence)againstthehospital.她起诉医院(玩忽职守)。
Acriminalaction wasbroughtagainsthim.他被提起刑事诉讼。
ThebookwashaltedinSouthAfricaby athreatoflegalaction.因为遭到起诉的威胁,该书在南非停止发行。
Court cases, orders & decisions
- actionable
- administer
- admissibility
- admissible
- affidavit
- committal
- conveyancing
- exhibit
- extinguishment
- extrajudicial
- fatal accident inquiry
- finding
- gagging order
- inquest
- moot
- power of attorney
- precedent
- pretrial
- probate
- provide
actions speak louder than words
out of action
a man/woman of action
a piece/slice of the action
verb[Tusually passive]
uk/ˈæk.ʃən/us/ˈæk.ʃən/to do something todealwith aparticularproblemormatter:
对…采取行动;就…采取措施I'll justrunthrough theminutesof the lastmeeting,raisingthosepointsthat still have to be actioned.下面我将扼要重述一下上次会议的记录,把亟待处理的问题提出来。
Dealing with things or people
- attend tosomeone/something
- be all over itidiom
- beard the lion (inhis/herden)idiom
- bed
- come/get to grips withsomethingidiom
- cut
- fire
- have it out withsomeoneidiom
- hold onidiom
- I/I've got thisidiom
- ill-prepared
- jump-start
- overcome
- square
- tough
- toughsomethingout
- turn tosomeone/something
- unprocessed
- weather
- weather the stormidiom