uk/ˈnjuːˌbɪld/us/ˈnuːˌbɪld/(of ahouseor otherbuilding)builtrecently:
(建筑物)新修建的Many new-buildflatsstandempty.很多新建公寓楼都是空置着的。
The Pinnacles is just one of alargenumberof new-builddevelopmentsin thearea.”尖峰石阵“只是该地区众多新建项目中的一个。
involvingorrelatingto thebuildingof newhousesor otherbuildings:
新建筑物的Their first new-buildprojectwas in 1995, when theybuilt14 newhouses.他们的第一个新建项目是在1995年,当时建造了14栋新房。
Our new-buildprogrammemust bemanagedto thehighestofstandards.我们的新建方案必须按照最高标准来管理。
- New-buildflatslose26% on resale.
- Hugenumbersof new-buildpropertiesweresnappedupacrossthecity.
- They will either be new-buildschemesortotalrefurbishments ofexistinginnercityschools.
- Thedeveloperis now amajorplayerin theindependentnewbuildmarket.
Buildings in general
- -bedroomed
- beach hut
- building
- bunkhouse
- campanile
- four-square
- geodesic dome
- half-timbered
- heritage
- heritage-listed building
- non-residential
- non-structural
- Norman
- observation tower
- outstation
- pod
- residential
- tower
- turreted
- warren
UK(alsonewbuild)uk/ˈnjuːˌbɪld/us/ˈnuːˌbɪld/ahouseor otherbuildingthat has beenbuiltrecently:
新建筑物Would youprefertolivein aperiodpropertyor a new-build?你更喜欢住在有历史的房子里还是住在新建的房子里?
It is sodifficultto getpermissionto put up newbuilds in thiscountry.在这个国家,要想获得许可新建房屋是非常困难的。
- New-buildstendto beboughtbyfamilieslookingfor goodvalueformoney.
- We've justmovedinto a new-build and all theroomslackfeatures.
- Alongside the newbuilds,restaurants,barsandcaféshavearrivedtocaterto the newresidents.
Buildings in general
- -bedroomed
- beach hut
- building
- bunkhouse
- campanile
- four-square
- geodesic dome
- half-timbered
- heritage
- heritage-listed building
- non-residential
- non-structural
- Norman
- observation tower
- outstation
- pod
- residential
- tower
- turreted
- warren