aboxonwheelsthat ispulledby acarand is used for taking things from oneplaceto another:
拖车;挂车Thecarwaspullinga trailer with amotorcycleon it.这辆汽车拖着一辆挂车,挂车上面载着一辆摩托车。

topae/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
theseparatebackpartof alargetruck
algre/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
US(alsotravel trailer);(UKcaravan)
awheeledvehicleforlivingortravellingin,especiallyforholidays, thatcontainsbedsandcookingequipmentand can bepulledby acar
Handcarts, trolleys & prams
- baby carriage
- bob
- bobsled
- buggy
- doll's pram
- dolly
- food cart
- hand truck
- handcart
- perambulator
- pram
- pushchair
- sack barrow
- sack truck
- sledge
- sledging
- sleigh
- stroller
- tea cart
- trolley
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Trucks, vans & caravans
anadvertisementfor afilmor atelevisionorradioprogramme, consisting ofshortpartstaken from it:
(影视节目、广播的)预告片Isawa trailerforthe newseriesof "Game of Thrones" lastnight.我昨晚看了新一季《权力的游戏》的预告片。
Advertising and marketing
- ad
- ad agency
- adman
- advert
- advertise
- cross-selling
- customer relationship management
- detoxify
- dogfooding
- flyer
- non-brand
- o.n.o.
- obo
- off-brand
- on-brand
- stunt
- superhype
- teaser
- telemarketing
- tie(something)in
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Broadcasting: programmes & other broadcasts