(alsoultraphysical)uk/ˌʌl.trəˈfɪz.ɪ.kəl/us/ˌʌl.trəˈfɪz.ɪ.kəl/(of asport,activity, etc.)involvinga lot of veryenergeticmovementof thebody, and sometimes a lot ofroughtouchingorhittingbetweenpeople:
The ultra-physicalnatureofmodernfootballmeansthateventhebestplayersmight not have verylongcareers.
Shebecamefamousfor herlatestdanceshow, which has a lot of ultraphysical andexpressivechoreography.
- Their ultra-physicalapproachto thegamemakes them one of the mostfearedteamsinrugby.
- Thebasketballplayer's ultraphysicalplaymeanshe gets called for a lot offouls.
Violent or aggressive
- aggressive
- aggressively
- aggressiveness
- aggro
- agonistic
- ferocity
- fierce
- fierceness
- fighting words
- flex
- pugnacious
- pugnacity
- rabble-rousing
- raging
- Rambo
- viciousness
- violence
- warlike
- warmonger
- warmongering