either of twochildrenbornto the samemotheron the sameoccasion:
双胞胎之一Mysisterhas twinsons.我姐姐有对双胞胎的儿子。
a twinsister双胞胎姐妹中的一个
Helen King/Corbis/GettyImages
one of two verysimilarthings:
两个极相似的事物之一The twocountriesare oftenregardedaseconomictwins.这两个国家经常被认为经济情况如出一辙。
- My twinsisterand I have got the samenose.
- Meeting a twinbrotherI didn'tknowI had was anunnervingexperience.
- Aspecialclosenessissupposedtoexistbetween twins.
- Theyoungestboysare socloseinagetheylooklike twins.
- Toavoidconfusion, the twins neverworethe sameclothes.
Parents & children
- babyhood
- babymoon
- bastard
- brat
- child abuse
- fraternal twin
- guardianship
- identical twin
- illegitimacy
- orphan
- parent
- parentage
- parental
- parenthood
- soccer mom
- step-parent
- the generation gap
- triplet
- tug of love
- without issueidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Similar and the same
adjective[before noun]
uk/twɪn/us/twɪn/used todescribetwosimilarthings that are apair:
acarwith twinexhausts双排气管小汽车
existingat the sametime:
同时出现的He hasmanagedtocombinehis twinobsessionsofdetectivestoriesandrockmusicin his newradioprogramme.
Similar and the same
- -esque
- adjacent
- affinity
- akin
- alike
- allied
- echo
- evenly
- every inchidiom
- extent
- family
- firm
- pale imitation
- para
- parallel
- parity
- playsomeoneattheirown gameidiom
- put/turn the clock backidiom
- snap
- swing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Relating to time
uk/twɪn/us/twɪn/-nn-to put something together with somethingelse,especiallybecause theyworkwell as apair:
She twins ashimmeringsilkblousewithadarkwoolskirt.
Try twinningchoreswithpleasantrewards- forexample,walkingthedogto thepub.
Thecoverof thebookshowstwinnedimagesof Piccadilly Circus and the New Yorkskyline.
[usually passive]mainlyUK
If twotowns,organizations, etc. are twinned, or one is twinned with the other, aconnectionorspecialrelationshipisestablishedbetween them:
Cambridge is twinnedwithHeidelberg.剑桥和海德堡结成了姊妹城。
The twocitieshave been twinned since 1966.
Eliteuniversitieswere twinnedwithinnercityschoolsin anefforttoincreasetheirintakeofstudentsfrom lessprivilegedbackgrounds.
Connecting and combining
- abut
- additive
- adjoin
- affix
- agglutinate
- aggregation
- articulation
- desegregate
- desegregation
- dovetail
- eclectic
- eclectically
- hyphenate
- link(something)up
- linkage
- lumpsomeone/somethingtogether
- marriage
- marry
- weaving
- yoke
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Acting, being or existing together
Towns & regions: towns, cities & villages (general)