uk/ʌnˈbɒks/us/ʌnˈbɑːks/to take something out of abox, forexamplesomething that you haverecentlyboughtor havemovedto a differentplace:
从箱子中取出Weboughtthelaptoptoreplaceour5-year-olddesktopthat we have never unboxed aftermoving.我们买这台笔记本电脑是为了替换跟了我们5年的台式机,而搬家后我们从来没有把台式机从箱子里拿出来过。
- Onlinehelpvideosshow how to unbox theprinterandinstallit.
- It took less than 17minutesfor two of us to unbox,rack,powerandcableup the Fibre Channel overEthernetconnections.
- I justmovedto a muchbiggerplaceand canfinally, after 2years, unbox andorganizeevery lastbitof mymedia.
- We had to unbox all thegamesthat gotpackedwith thedefect.
- clear
- drain
- empty
- evacuate
- evacuation
- gut
- hollow
- hollowsomethingout
- land
- let
- letsomeone/somethingout
- turn
- turn out
- unload
- unpack
- vacate