(of apreciousstonesuch as adiamond) notfixedto apieceofjewellery:
She hadreceivedagenerousgiftof anumberof unsetemeralds, two of which werelatermade intoearrings.
- This wasfarbelow theaveragemarketpriceof $75.90 acaratforuncut, unsetstones.
- In thediamondcellaryou canlookat acollectionofcutbut unsetdiamondsofvarioussizes,shapes, andcolour.
- We have acollectionof unsetrubiesthat can be made into apieceofjewelleryofyourchoice.
Geology: precious & semi-precious stones
- agate
- amethyst
- aquamarine
- blood diamond
- carnelian
- conflict diamond
- cornelian
- crystal
- diamond
- emerald
- gemstone
- jet
- jewel
- malachite
- marcasite
- pearl
- precious stone
- sapphire
- stone
- turquoise
unsetadjective(NOT FIRM)
not havingbecomefirmor hard:
Top up themouldwith therestof theberriesand unsetjelly.
Shedislikedtheeggwhitebeing unset andrunny.
- One of mycookingdisasterswas an unsetcheesecake.
- Theworstmesswasprobablywhen Idroppedabowlof unsetjelly.
- Toremovefreshbloodstains:pourthesolutiononto unsetstainsandletitsoakin for aminute.
Physics: the state of matter
- absorbency
- absorption
- acidic
- allotropic
- compressible
- concentration
- e-liquid
- fluid
- gaseous
- impermeable
- metallic
- neutral
- permeable
- pressurized
- slurry
- sulphurous
- superabsorbent
- superwave
- unabsorbent
- viscosity