supportfor thepolicythat thecountriesof the UK shouldremainunited,especiallythatNorthernIreland shouldremainpartof theUnitedKingdom ofGreatBritainandNorthernIreland:
Hesawhimself as theunrivalleddefenderof unionism.
This was aperiodthatmarkedthedeclineofScottishunionism and ariseinScottishnationalism.
at thetimeof the American Civil War,supportfor theUnion(= thestatesthat did notseparatefrom theUnitedStates):
Seethedocumentslistedbelow forexamplesof antislavery unionism in theborderstates.
He came fromEastTennessee, thatbastionof Unionism from thedaysof Andrew Johnson.
thegeneralpoliticalprinciplethat acountryorstateshouldremainunitedwithothersin alargerunion:
She was one of theleadingfiguresofCatalanunionism.
Spanishunionismopposedindependencefor theBasqueandCatalanregions.
- Irishnationalism’spremiseis that thelinktoBritainis notpermanent,whereasunionismcontendsthat it willendure.
Political movements & groups
- alt-right
- anti-Bolshevik
- anti-Bolshevism
- anti-capitalism
- antidisestablishmentarianism
- Antifa
- awkward
- big tent
- labour movement
- left
- left-winger
- leftism
- right-winger
- rightist
- sectarian
- sectarianism
- the awkward gangidiom
- the left wing
- the SDLP
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
International relations: United States politics & government
thebeliefs,policies, andpracticesoftradeunions(=workers'organizationsthatrepresentthepeoplewhoworkin aparticularindustry):
Thecity, whoseeconomydependedontourismratherthanmanufacturingandmining, was never ahotbedof unionism.
trade unionism
- In the 1930s,radicalunionism wasexemplifiedby the Industrial Workers of theWorld.
- Theynotethat amajorfeatureof the new unionism iscooperationbetween "blue-collar"unionsand "green"environmentalists.
Industrial relations
- anti-union
- arbitrate
- arbitrator
- bargaining power
- closed shop
- collective bargaining
- free collective bargaining
- hygiene factor
- industrial relations
- inter-union
- labor union
- labour relations
- organized labour
- shop steward
- student union
- trade union
- trade unionism
- unionist
- unionization
- unionize