If someone'sopinionsorstatementsare unsupported, they do not have anyprooforevidenceto show that they aretrue:
Most of thereportconsists ofgeneralizedobservations, unsupportedbydates,namesandtimes.报道的大部分都是些泛泛之论,没有提供具体的日期、姓名和时间作支持。
- amorphous
- arguable
- be neither fish nor fowlidiom
- blurred
- blurry
- circumstantial
- conflicted
- dodgy
- indeterminate
- insecurely
- insecurity
- it remains to be seenidiom
- it's early daysidiom
- slippery
- spec
- sputter
- squishy
- stutter
- swither
- unwritten
notreceivinganyhelporencouragementfrom otherpeople:
孤立无援的;自力更生的He made severalattemptstoreachtheNorthPoleunsupported.他曾好几次尝试孤身一人前往北极。
without help
- (all) by yourselfI don't think I can fix the car alone - can you help?
- (all) on your ownUKI learnt the song all on my own.
- single-handedlyShe single-handedly saved the company from bankruptcy.
- unassistedAfter years of using a cane, intensive physio enabled her to walk unassisted.
- unaidedAfter six months of treatment I can finally walk unaided.
- independentlyThe charity helps people to live independently.
Unaided and working alone
- fair
- fend foryourself
- go it aloneidiom
- independent
- independently
- self-help
- self-reliance
- self-sufficient
- self-taught
- single-handed
- single-handedly
- stand
- stand onyourown (two) feetidiom
- stand-alone
- unaided
- unassisted
- underyourown steamidiom
- unforced
- withyourown fair hand(s)idiom
- yourself
An unsupportedstructureorobjectdoes not use any otherobjectorpersontosupportitsweight,especiallyfrom below tostopit fromfalling:
thelargestunsupportedmarbledomein theworld世界上最大的无任何支撑物的大理石穹顶
Physical supports and supporting
- abutment
- bearing
- bolster
- bookend
- bracket
- buoy
- burden
- buttress
- groan
- lath
- load-bearing
- pier
- pile
- pillar
- prop
- propsomethingup
- rafter
- sinew
- underpin
- weight-bearing