containingorchangingbetween several different things ortypes:
各种各样的;形形色色的a variedgroupofpeople形形色色的一群人
alengthyand variedcareer漫长而丰富多彩的职业生涯
Withitsvariedclimate, thecountryattractsbothwinterandsummersportsenthusiasts.该国气候多变,吸引了冬季和夏季运动爱好者。
always becoming different
- changingWe must navigate changing attitudes about women in leadership.
- changeableBritish weather is notoriously changeable.
- variedHe has had a rich and varied career.
- fluidOur travel plans are fluid because of the train strike.
- dynamicThe Japanese economy is much more dynamic than our own.
- You can'tgeneralizeabout acontinentas varied asEurope.
- A variedassemblageofbirdswasprobingthemudforfood.
- Theschooloffersanexcitingand variedprogrammeofsocialevents.
- She had arichand variedlifeandmetmanyfamousandexcitingpeople.
- Shedescribesherself as a "well-roundedperson" whoworkshard but has a variedsociallife.
Different and difference
- altered
- alternative
- anomalous
- another
- anything
- dissimilar
- dissimilitude
- distinct
- distinction
- distinctive
- non-typical
- non-uniform
- non-uniformity
- nonequivalence
- nonequivalent
- variant
- variation
- various
- various and sundryidiom
- which is whichidiom