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单词 urgent


needingattentionverysoon,especiallybefore anythingelse, becauseimportant
He's got tosignthatpaper- will youtellhim it's urgent?他务必要签署那份文件——请你告诉他这很紧急,好吗?
The most urgent thing in afireis to makesureeveryone is out of thebuilding.失火时最紧要的事是确保所有人都撤离大楼。
Manypeopleareinurgentneed offoodandwater.很多人亟需食物和水。
More examples
  • Let'sleavethatmatterasidefor now andtalkabout the more urgentproblemfacingus.
  • Excuse me, but I have some urgentbusinesstoattendto.
  • This is aproblemthatrequiresurgentattention.
  • Jack is in need of an urgentoperation.
  • I'mafraidthis can'twait- it really is urgent.


(especiallyof a person'sactions)repeatedanddeterminedintryingto get or do something
His urgentpleasofinnocencemade nodifferenceto the judge'sdecision.他一再申辩自己无罪,却无法改变法官的判决。


Consequently, there is anurgentneed for the development of novel therapies for the treatment of osteomyelitis.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Such changes, which had by then becomeurgent, were also welcomed, for they reflected an almost universally acknowledged need.
From theCambridge English Corpus
A number of such buildings were in every respect inurgentneed of restoration.
From theCambridge English Corpus
However, according to the editorial, this goal had become even moreurgentin the present epoch.
From theCambridge English Corpus
There is anurgentneed for more socioeconomic information in this field to help set guidelines for the future.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Theurgentneed to improve health care quality.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Greek tragedy concerns a single problem that becomes more and moreurgentuntil it culminates in crime.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Information from unconventional sources not related to the industry carries the extra burden of having to be proved relevant orurgent.
From theCambridge English Corpus
At the same time, the need for careful linguistic description is asurgentas ever, for the dual purposes of scientific inquiry and clinical application.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Taking patient age distribution and medical advances into account, this will become a major medical problem of the twenty-first century; one that requiresurgentattention.
From theCambridge English Corpus
However, if the medical conditions of those others will deteriorate while they await treatment, that could put even more people in "urgentneed" of treatment.
From theCambridge English Corpus
When the question about the goal is answered, the question about conditions for such successful achievements becomes even moreurgent.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Whatever the interpretation, the cumulative research and survey data since 1978 suggests anurgentneed to took at the justifications, dynamics and effectiveness of grouping.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Our fieldwork pointed up two further areas of concern, both of which need close andurgentattention in programmes of professional development for heads.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Cuts in benefit, combined withurgentdemands to move into compliance, may be more appropriate as an immediate response.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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