utility truck
mainlyUSuk/juːˈtɪl.ə.ti ˌtrʌk/us/juːˈtɪl.ə.t̬i ˌtrʌk/asmalltruck, usually with anopenback andlowsidesandabletotraveleasilyoverroughground:
Afriendand Idecidedto have a goodlookat thearea, and weborrowedautilitytruckand set off.
pickup truck
asmalltruckused bypeoplewho are, forexample,repairingelectricitylinesin apublicplaceorhelpingin anemergency:
The newlawwillrequiremotoriststomoveover foremergencymaintenancevehicles,garbagetrucks,highwayorutilitytrucks, and otherservicevehicles.
- Theirhiredcarwashitby autilitytrucktravellingat about 80mph on thewrongsideof theroad.
- She wasbundledinto the man's four-wheel-driveutilitytruck.
- Hedroveautilitytruckthroughtownwith alargeConfederateflagflyingprominentlyin the back.
- Out-of-stateutilitytruckswere at theborderawaitinglowerwindspeedsbefore they couldbegintohelplocalpowercrewsrestoreelectricitytonearly6 millionpeople.
Trucks, vans & caravans
- a fifth/third wheelidiom
- armoured car
- bakkie
- bin lorry
- bowser
- breakdown truck
- caravan
- dumper
- dustcart
- float
- horse trailer
- lorry
- milk truck
- tender
- tractor-trailer
- trucking
- utility vehicle
- Winnebago