uk/ˌvɪd.iˈɒɡ.rə.fər/us/ˌvɪd.iˈɑː.ɡrə.fɚ/apersonwho uses avideocameratofilmevents, makefilms, etc.:
摄像师For aphotographeror a videographer, theamountofequipmentthey'reabletobringon ashootis oftenlimitedto what canfitintheirbag.对于摄影师或摄像师来说,他们能携带到拍摄现场的设备数量,往往受限于他们包里能装下多少东西。
- Criticscontendthevideosglorifyganglife, buttheirdefenderssay the videographers givevoicetocommunitiesoftenneglectedbytraditionalmedia.
- This newcamerais adeviceaimedat theprofessionalvideographer.
- They havealmostas many videographers andphotographersas they dobodyguardsecuritypersonnelintheirentourage.
- Directed by Philadelphiaphotographerand videographer Koof Ibi Umoren, thesceneis set in thelushgreeneryof Wissahickon Park.
- He isprettyhappywith his newlifeas afreelancevideographer for thelocalnews.
Recording sounds and images
- audiovisual
- AV
- deepfake
- digitally
- distort
- distortion
- erase
- fade
- misrecord
- mix
- mono
- playsomethingback
- production
- re-record
- record
- release
- resynthesis
- resynthesize
- sampler
- sound effect
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cinema & theatre: production, direction & recording
Sound and image recordings