tofinishdoing something that you were doing:
(使)停止;(使)停下;中断Once Istarteatingchocolate, I can't stop.我一开始吃巧克力,就停不了嘴了。
[+ -ing verb]Stopshouting- you're giving me aheadache!别再叫了——你搞得我头都疼了!
I couldn't stoplaughing.我忍不住笑个没完。
Stop it!/Stop that!住手!
to notcontinuetooperate:
(使)停止工作,(使)停止运转Mywatchmust have stopped.我的表一定是停了。
Theairconditionerhas stoppedworking.空调停了。
to break down
- break downThe lift has broken down again.
- stop workingI don’t understand it - my phone just stopped working.
- crashWhen a computer crashes, you reboot.
- failThe train’s brakes failed, causing it to derail.
to notmoveany more or to make someone or something notmoveany more:
(使)停止,(使)停下Stop thecar, Iwantto get out!把车停下,我要下去!
Iheardhimshout, "Stop, or I'llshoot!"我听到他大叫:“停下,否则我就开枪了!”
A1[I+ -ing verb]
tofinishdoing something that you doregularlyor as ahabit:
戒除,停止(常做的事或习惯)Apparently she's stoppeddrinking.听说她戒酒了。
I stoppedseeinghim lastyear.去年我和他分手了。
topausefor ashorttimewhiletravellingor during anactivity:
中途暂停;逗留Does thistrainstopatFinsbury Park?本次列车在芬斯伯里公园停吗?
Why don't you just stopsomewhereandaskfordirections?为什么你不找个地方停一下问问路呢?
[+ to infinitive]I stoppedtopickup aletterthat I'ddropped.我停下脚步,捡起我掉在地上的信。
- Oh, stopmoaning!
- Stophasslingme!
- She stoppedspeakingfor amomentandlookedout of thewindow.
- I couldn't stopcrying.
- I've stoppedtryingtohelpher.
Causing something to end
- abandon
- abandonment
- all good things (must) come to an endidiom
- and have done with itidiom
- be over the humpidiom
- cure
- jacksomethingin
- killsomethingstone-deadidiom
- knock
- knock off (something)
- lay
- lay the ghost ofsomething(to rest)idiom
- lid
- lift
- raise
- stanch
- staunch
- stem
- stopper
- stranglesomethingat birthidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Machines - not functioning
Cancelling and interrupting
topreventsomeone from doing something:
阻止,阻拦If she reallywantstoleave, I don'tunderstandwhat's stopping her.如果她真的想走,我不明白有什么事绊住了她。
[+ -ing verb]They've putbarriersup to stoppeople(from)gettingthrough.他们筑起了街垒,阻止人们通行。
Something must be done to stop thefighting.必须做点儿什么来制止争斗。
to prevent something from happening
- preventVaccination will prevent the spread of the disease.
- avoidLabel the boxes to avoid confusion.
- stopThis should stop any further trouble.
- avertWe had to act quickly to avert disaster.
- prohibitBehavioural problems in the classroom prohibit learning.
- checkChildren are being vaccinated in an attempt to check the spread of the disease.
stop a chequeUK(USstop a check,stop payment on a check)
totellyourbanknot todealwith achequethat you have written, so that themoneyis notpaidfromyourbankaccount
通知银行止付支票- I can't stop her fromseeinghim.
- Mymumstopped me from going.
- Healthworkersaretryingto stop thediseasefromspreading.
- We are doing everything we can to stop thesituationfrom gettingworse.
- If he reallywantsto do it I can't stop him.
Preventing and impeding
- anti-jamming
- avoid
- avoidable
- bar
- be a drag onsomeone/somethingidiom
- bottleneck
- derail
- fireproof
- hamper
- hang
- havesomeone/somethinghanging roundyourneckidiom
- head off
- hinder
- prejudice
- prevent
- preventable
- prevention
- prevention is better than cureidiom
- scuttle
- smother
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
tostayin aplace:
停留,逗留Are you coming with me or are you stopping here?你是和我一起走还是就留在这儿?
I can't stop - Marc iswaitingfor meoutside.我不能再呆了——马克在外面等着我呢。
Now that you're here, why don't you stop for sometea?既然你已经来了,为什么不留下来喝杯茶呢?
I've been out everynightthisweek, so IthoughtI'd stopin(=stayathome)tonight.这个星期我每个晚上都在外面,所以今晚想呆在家里。
We stoppedup(= did not go tobed)until two o'clock lastnightwatchingthe latefilm.我们昨晚看晚场电影,一直熬到两点才睡。
- After stopping for aquickdrink, theycontinuedontheirway.
- Sheambleddown thestreet, stoppingoccasionallytolookin theshopwindows.
- I won't stop - I'm in abitof arush.
- Shall we stop here for a while?
- We'rehopingto make uptimeon thereturnjourneyby not stopping atnight.
Staying and remaining
- closeted
- halt
- hang
- hold
- holdsomethingover
- hung
- non-tenured
- outstay
- overstay
- overwinter
- remain
- rest
- spot
- stand
- stay putidiom
- stick
- stick around
- stop in
- tarry
- tenured
堵塞,塞住We stopped(up)thegapwith somerags.我们用些破布塞住了豁口。
Closing and blocking
- barricade
- batten
- batten down the hatchesidiom
- be snowed upidiom
- blocksomethingoff
- bung
- choke
- closet
- congest
- cork
- dam
- damsomethingup
- fur
- sealsomethingin
- sealsomethingoff
- self-seal
- self-sealing
- shut
- silt
- the darkest hour is just before the dawnidiom
Stop+-ingform orto-infinitive
We use the -ing form after stop to indicate that an action or event is no longer continuing:…Idioms
stop at nothing
stop short ofsomething
Phrasal verbs
stop by(somewhere)
stop in
stop offsomewhere
stop over
theactof stopping anactivityorjourney, or aperiodoftimewhen you stop:
停止,终止;逗留,停留;停留时间Pleaseremaininyourseatuntil theplanecomes to acompletestop.请在飞机停稳前留在自己的座位上。
We'd have been heresooner, but we made several stops along the way.我们本来可以早点儿到这儿的,但我们中途停了好几次。
At thebeginningof theprojectthere were a lot of stopsandstarts.项目开始的时候,有很多磕磕绊绊。
See also
aplacewherevehicles,especiallybuses, stop inordertoallowpassengersto get off and on:
I'm getting off at the next stop.我下一站下车。
Is thisourstop(= where we must get off)?我们是这一站下吗?

Carola Kohler/Corbis/GettyImages
shortform offull stopUK
句号(full stop的简略说法)phoneticsspecialized
aplosive(=consonantthat is made bycompletelystopping theflowofair)
(辅音的)塞音put a stop tosomething
to stop anunpleasant,unwantedactivityorhabitfromcontinuing:
制止;使停止He used tosmokeinbedwhen I first got toknowhim, but Isoonput a stop to that!我刚认识他的时候,他总是躺在床上抽烟,但我很快就让他改掉了!
- Thecarcame to a stop infrontof anoldcottage.
- We had a stophalfwaythrough thejourneyand got somefood.
- We made acoupleof stops on the way so that Milly could go to thetoilet.
- Is thisyourstop?
- We had anovernightstop in Singapore.
Pauses & interludes
- abeyance
- adjournment
- break-journey
- caesura
- coffee break
- comfort stop
- hiatus
- interlude
- intermission
- interval
- lapse
- lull
- non-continuous
- one-stop
- pause
- plateau
- postponement
- respite
- stoppage
- suspension
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Train & bus stations & taxi ranks
Linguistics: phonology & phonetics
Causing something to end