agroupofhousesand otherbuildingsthat issmallerthan atown, usually in thecountryside:
a villageshop乡村商店
a villagegreen(= anareaofgrassin themiddleof a village)乡村绿地
Manypeoplecome from theoutlying/surroundingvillages toworkin thetown.很多人从周围的乡村来到这座城里工作。
[Cusually singular,+ sing/pl verb]
all thepeoplewholivein a village:
全体村民The village is/arecampaigningfor a by-pass to bebuilt.全体村民正在积极呼吁,要求修建一条旁道。
- It's a littlefishingvillage with verynarrowstreets.
- Ourfarmis a fewmilesnorthof the village.
- The village hasremainedbasicallyunchangedfor over 300years.
- Many villages have beencutoff by theheavysnow.
- Because Ilivein aremotevillage, Iregardmycaras anessential.
Towns & regions: towns, cities & villages (general)
- aerotropolis
- anti-city
- anti-urban
- Cantabrigian
- citywide
- county borough
- dormitory town
- garden city
- Londoner
- metro
- municipal
- retirement community
- retirement village
- sanctuary city
- sister city
- smoke
- twin
- urban
- urbanization
- Woop Woop
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
People who live or settle somewhere