averticalstructure, often made ofstoneorbrick, thatdividesorsurroundssomething:
墙,墙壁,围墙The walls in thisapartmentare sothinyou canhearjust about every word theneighbourssay.这间公寓的墙太薄了,甚至隔壁的人说的每一句话你都可以听见。
The wallslookabitbare- can't we put somepicturesup?这些墙看起来有点光秃秃的——我们能不能挂几幅画呢?
We had toclimbover a ten-foot wall to get into thegarden.我们不得不翻过一堵10英尺高的墙以进到花园里。
The Berlin Wall came down in 1989.柏林墙于1989年被推倒。

anyouterpartof ahollowstructurein thebody:
(身体中中空结构的)壁the wall of theuterus/stomach子宫/胃壁
amassofpeopleor thingsformedin such a way that you cannot get through or past them:
人墙Thedemonstratorsformedasolidwall tostopthepolicefrom getting past them.示威者组成一道结实的人墙,不让警察通过。
infootball, arowofplayerswhostandtenyardsaway from where afreekickis taken inorderto makescoringdirectlyfrom thefreekickmoredifficult:
(足球比赛期间罚任意球前对方球员组成的)人墙Rooneycurvedthefreekickpast the Newcastledefensivewall and inside thefarpost.鲁尼的任意球旋转绕过纽卡斯尔队球员组成的人墙,从远门柱处飞进球门。

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alarge,powerful, usuallyfastmovingmassof something:
(通常指迅速移动的)墙状物After therains, thehouseswerewashedaway by a wallofmud/water.大雨过后,那些房子被墙一般的泥流/水流冲走了。
a way offeelingorbehavingthatcompletelypreventstwogroupsofpeoplefromcommunicatingwith orunderstandingeach other:
(感情上的)隔阂,壁垒,障碍There is a wallofmistrustbetween the twogroups.这两个团体互不信任,中间像隔着一道墙。
- Bookson everyconceivablesubjectlinedone wall.
- Theeastwall of themosqueiscoveredwith abeautifulmosaic.
- Thefallof the Berlin wallmarkedthe end of anera.
- The walls areconstructedofconcrete.
- Thepainton theoutsidewalls hasweatheredbadly.
Parts of buildings: walls & parts of walls
- alcove
- balcony
- baseboard
- cavity wall
- chimney breast
- damp course
- damp-proof
- damp-proofing
- drystone wall
- Juliet balcony
- party wall
- pebbledash
- plasterboard
- recess
- sconce
- wainscot
- wainscoted
- wainscoting
- wallboard
- walled
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Substances & structures in the body
Groups of people
Masses and large amounts of things
Difficult things and people
drivesomeoneup the wall
go to the wall
hit the wall
off the wall
walls have ears