something that makes youunderstandthere is apossibledangerorproblem,especiallyone in thefuture:
警告;告诫;提醒Completely without warning, heturnedup at mydoorwith all fourchildren!事先都没说一声,他就带着全部4个孩子出现在我的门口!
There's a warning on thecigarettepacketthat says "Cigarettescausecancer".香烟的包装盒上有一条警告:“烟草严重危害健康。”
I'm notsurprisedyoufeelsickaftereatingso much -letit be awarning to you!你吃了这么多感觉不舒服,我一点也不意外——就权当是对你的一个警告吧!
Just aword ofwarning -restaurantsin thisareacan be veryexpensive.只是提醒一句——这一带的饭馆都特别贵。
formalThe Health Ministerissueda warning about thedangersofsunbathing.卫生部长就日光浴的潜在危险发布了一条警告。
They can'tdismissyou just like that - they have togiveyou awrittenwarning first.他们不能那样就把你解雇了——他们必须事先给你一份书面通知。
Thepolicefiredwarningshotsbut theriotingcontinued.警方鸣枪示警,但示威者根本不予理会。
warning sign
aphysicalconditionthatshowssomeone has adisease:
(预示体内有某种疾病的)警示症状,预兆The warningsignsoftheillnessarerespiratoryproblemsanddizziness.预示可能患有这种疾病的症状是呼吸困难和头晕。
- Policehave put out a warning topeoplelivingin thearea.
- Thejudgesaid that thefinewouldserveas a warning to othermotoristswhodrovewithoutduecare.
- Allcigarettepacketscarryagovernmenthealthwarning.
- It would beirresponsibletoignorethese warnings.
- Thepolicearetryingtosiftout thegenuinewarnings from all thehoaxcallsthey havereceived.
Threats & warnings
- (just) you waitidiom
- alarm
- alarm bell
- alarmed
- beware the ides of Marchidiom
- brushback pitch
- canary
- canary in a coalmineidiom
- caveat
- communication cord
- don't you dareidiom
- false alarm
- send a signal (to sb) thatidiom
- slip
- there's many a slip twixt cup and lipidiom
- tip
- tipsomeoneoff
- trigger warning
- ultimatum
- yellow card
A warning is something that makes us aware of possible danger. There are a number of ways of warning someone. Warnings can be weak or strong.…Idiom
hear warning bells