war of words
noun[Cusually singular]
uk/ˌwɔːr əv ˈwɜːdz/us/ˌwɔːr əv ˈwɜ˞ːdz/pluralwars of wordsseriousorangrydiscussionsabout something thatpeopledisagreeon,especiallydiscussionsthatcontinuefor alongtime:
口水战,唇枪舌战Thewarof words oversanctionsremainsfurious.关于制裁的口水战依然激烈。
Politicians in California, Illinois, and otherstatesengagedin anescalatingwarof words.加利福尼亚州、伊利诺伊州和其他州的政客们加入了一场不断升级的口水战。
- This was not thetimeor theplacetoengagein awarof words with hisson.
- Theresulthas been abitterwarof words between the twoneighbouringcountries.
- This is as much awarof words as awarofbombs.
Debate & discussion
- agent provocateur
- bargainer
- bat
- bat around
- broker
- closure
- cloture
- consult
- dialogue
- discursive
- parley
- polarized
- polemic
- polemical
- post-debate
- powwow
- provocateur
- re-explore
- special pleading
- talk turkeyidiom