uk/ɡraɪnd/us/ɡraɪnd/ground|groundgrindverb[T](MAKE SMALLER)
to make something intosmallpiecesor apowderbypressingbetween hardsurfaces:
碾碎,磨碎,把…磨成粉to grindcoffee磨咖啡豆
Shall I grind a littleblackpepperoveryoursalad?要不要我磨一点黑胡椒粉给你撒在色拉上?
They grind thegrainintoflour(= makeflourbycrushinggrain)between twolargestones.他们把谷子放在两块大石头之间磨成粉。
Squeezing and grinding
- compression
- concertina
- constrict
- constriction
- crush
- gnashyourteethidiom
- mash
- mill
- nip
- noncompressible
- pinch
- pound
- presser
- pulp
- snap
- squash
- squinch
- squish
- tamp
- unmilled
torubsomething against a hardsurface, inorderto make itsharperorsmoother:
磨,把…磨锋利,把…磨光She has a set of chef'sknivesthat she grinds everyweek.她有一套厨房用刀具,每个星期都磨一次。
He grounddownthesharpmetaledgesto make themsmooth.他把尖利的金属边缘打磨平。
Thecarenginewas making astrangegrindingnoise.汽车发动机发出一种奇怪的摩擦声音。
See also
to make anoisebyrubbingyourteethtogether:
把牙齿咬得嘎嘎响;出声地磨牙She grinds herteethin hersleep.她睡觉磨牙。
Scratching and rubbing
- abrade
- abrasion
- buff
- chafe
- erode
- grate
- graze
- rasp
- rub
- rubsomethingdown
- rubdown
- scour
- scoursomethingout
- scrape
- scratch
- scuff
- smooth
- towel
- wear
- wear(something)away
grind the faces of the poor
grind to a halt/standstill
Phrasal verbs
thesizeofgrainsin asubstancethat has beenground,especiallycoffee:
Use thecorrectgrind foryourcoffeebrewer.
Cooktimewillvaryfrom 5–10minutesforinstantgritsto around 45minutesfor thecoarsergrinds.
anactionofgrindingasubstanceinto apowder:
Season with a few grinds ofblackpepper.
Words meaning small pieces and amounts
- by a noseidiom
- clipping
- crumb
- dab
- dash
- dollop
- grain
- hint
- oddments
- paring
- peewee
- pinch
- potsherd
- skinny
- spark
- swatch
- tad
- thimbleful
- tidbit
- tiddler
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Squeezing and grinding
adifficultorboringactivitythatneedsa lot ofeffort:
令人厌倦的苦事,苦差事Having totypeup myhandwrittenworkwas arealgrind.还得把手写的作业打出来,这让我叫苦不迭。
Thedailygrind of takingcareof threechildrenwaswearingher down.每天照顾3个孩子,这个苦差事把她快累垮了。
aboringpersonwhostudiesall thetimeand does nothingelse
只会读书的无趣之人,书呆子[Cusually plural]Irish English,informal
extralessonsin asubjectfrom aprivateteacher:
She's getting grinds.
He can give youmathsgrinds.
Work, working and the workplace
- act assomething
- all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy)idiom
- assignment
- bandh
- be at workidiom
- hoop
- hot-desking
- hotelling
- housekeeping
- in the line of dutyidiom
- induction
- industry
- moonlight
- skivvy
- slave
- slog
- slouch
- spadework
- sweat
- undertaking
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
People who are boring and old-fashioned
Classes & courses