释义 |
watchverb(LOOK AT)A1[IorT]tolookat something for aperiodoftime,especiallysomething that ischangingormoving: 观看;注视 I haddinnerand watched TV for acoupleofhours.我吃了饭,然后看了几个小时电视。 Hespenttheentireafternoonwatching acricketmatch.他整个下午都在看一场板球比赛。 [+ obj + infinitive without to]I watched him get into acab.我看着他坐上一辆出租车。 I got thefeelingI was being watched.我有种被人监视的感觉。 [+ obj + -ing verb]Isitby thewindowand watchpeoplewalkingpast.我坐在窗边,看着人来人往。 [+ question word]Just watchhowheslidesthatballin past thegoalkeeper.看看他是多么巧妙地带球越过守门员而入网的。 Bonner watchedhelplesslyas theydroveaway without him.邦纳无助地看着他们开着车扬长而去,没有带上他。 She'llpretendthat she hasn'tseenus - you watch.她会假装没看见我们的——你看着吧。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto look at someone or something - lookLook over there! A rainbow!
- watchI sat by the window and watched people walking past.
- glanceShe glanced around the room to see who was there.
- peepShe peeped through the curtains to see what was happening.
- peekHe peeked inside the box.
- stareDon't stare at people like that - it's rude.
See more results » [T]tostaywith someone or something, such as achild, for ashorttimeto makecertainthat he, she, or it issafe: 看护;照看 If youwantme to watch thekidsfor acoupleofhourswhile you go out, justletmeknow.如果你想在出门时让我帮忙照看孩子们几个小时,跟我说一声就行了。 Could you watch mybagsfor me, while I go to thetoilet?我去一趟卫生间,你帮我看一下这些包好吗? Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto take care of someone or something - care forShe had to give up her job to care for her elderly mother.
- take care ofI just want to make enough money to take care of my family.
- look afterMy aunt looked after me after my parents died.
- nurseHe nursed me back to health.
- tendHe lived a quiet life, tending his garden and his hives.
See more results » - You can watch thetrainsgoing by from thiswindow.
- Practically thewholenationwatched theceremonyontelevision.
- He watches a lot of TV.
- Wesaton thebeachwatching aspectacularsunset.
- Thousands offanspackedinto thestadiumto watch thematch.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesUsing the eyes - accommodate
- accommodation
- all eyes are onsomeone/somethingidiom
- astigmatic
- beholder
- butcher
- corner
- fix
- gaze
- glare
- glass
- lookout
- perceive
- scope
- seesomethingwithyourown eyesidiom
- seeing is believingidiom
- shoot a glance atsomeoneidiom
- spot
- stand oversomeone
- tab
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: watchverb(BE CAREFUL)B2[T]to becarefulof something: 小心,当心,留神 I have to watch myweight(= becarefulnot tobecometooheavy)now I'm notexercisingso much.我必须注意自己的体重,因为我现在不怎么运动。 Watchyourlanguage(= do not userudewords),youngman!请注意言语得体,年轻人! [+ (that)]Watch(that)you don't getglueonyourfingers.注意别把胶水粘到你的手指上。 [+ question word]Watchwhat you're doing with thatknife,Jim, it'ssharp.用那把刀时小心点,吉姆,它很锋利的。 You need to watch him - he's astrangecharacter.你得盯着他——他有点奇怪。 - You need to watch thosecardealers.
- Watch the mosquitos - they can give you anastybite.
- Watch what you're doing with thatstick!.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPaying attention and being careful - attention span
- attentiveness
- be good, and if you can't be good, be carefulidiom
- be on (your) guardidiom
- cared-for
- egg
- guard
- handle/treatsomeonewith kid glovesidiom
- hang
- hang on/uponsomething
- have a careidiom
- religion
- revolve
- revolve aroundsomeone/something
- safety
- safety firstidiom
- see pastsomething
- sit
- the/a glare ofsomethingidiom
- zero
See more results » GrammarLook at,seeorwatch? When we look at something, we direct our eyes in its direction and pay attention to it:… Look at When we look at something, we direct our eyes in its direction and pay attention to it:… See See means noticing something using our eyes. The past simple form is saw and the -ed form is seen:… Watchas a verb Watch is similar to look at, but it usually means that we look at something for a period of time, especially something that is changing or moving:… Look at, seeorwatch: typical errors When there is an object, we use at after look:… Idiomswatchyourback watch it watch paint dry watch the clock watch the world go by watch this space Phrasal verbswatch out watch out forsomeone/something watch oversomeone watchnoun(SMALL CLOCK)A1[C]asmallclockthat iswornon astraparound thewristor, sometimes,connectedto apieceofclothingby achain: 表,手表 My watchseemsto havestopped(=stoppedworking).我的手表好像停了。 Heglancednervouslyathis watch.他紧张地瞥了一眼手表。  Lee Chee Keong/EyeEm/GettyImages - Repairing a watch is a veryfiddlyjob.
- She took/castaglanceat her watch.
- The watchmechanismisextremelyintricateand verydifficulttorepair.
- Doesyourwatchkeepgoodtime?
- On thebottomof the watch it said 'Swiss-made'.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWatches & clocks - 24-hour clock
- against the clockidiom
- alarm
- alarm clock
- at/on the stroke ofsomethingidiom
- atomic clock
- clock
- horologist
- horology
- hour hand
- hourglass
- jewel
- military time
- stroke
- tick
- ticking
- timekeeper
- timepiece
- turn the clocks backphrase
- twenty-four-hour clock
See more results » watchnoun(LOOKING)[SorU]theactivityof watching or givingattentionto something or someone,especiallyto makecertainnothingbadhappens: 观察;监视;注意 Thepolicekeepaclosewatchongangmembers.警方严密监视着一个帮派成员。 Thesoldierssleptatnight, except for one whostayedawakeonwatch/tokeepwatch.夜里除了一个人站岗之外,其他的士兵都睡觉了。 [S]apersonorgroupofsoldiersorguardswhosedutyis toprotectaperson,place, or thing fromdangerorattack 警卫;哨兵警卫队;治安队 [C]aparticularperiodoftimeduring which apersonor agroupofsoldiersorguardshas thedutyofprotectingandwarningofdanger: 警戒时间;(警卫或治安队等的)值班时间 onsomeone'swatch at atimewhen someone is inchargeof aparticularsituationandresponsiblefor whathappens: Thishappenedon my watch. And Iintendtoresolveit. ThePresidentexaggeratedthenumberofjobsthat werecreatedon his watch. - I sometimes justlookout thewindowandkeepa watch on thecomingsand goings of everyone in thestreet.
- Herparentsused tokeepajealouswatch over her when she wasyoung.
- Managementkeepaclosewatch onbullyingin theworkplace.
- Shekeepsaclosewatch on herhusbandtoseethat hebehaveshimself.
- You need tokeepaclosewatch on him. He's arealtroublemaker.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesUsing the eyes - accommodate
- accommodation
- all eyes are onsomeone/somethingidiom
- astigmatic
- beholder
- butcher
- corner
- fix
- gaze
- glare
- glass
- lookout
- perceive
- scope
- seesomethingwithyourown eyesidiom
- seeing is believingidiom
- shoot a glance atsomeoneidiom
- spot
- stand oversomeone
- tab
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Protection and protectors Parts of armies & groups of servicemen Defending and protecting Duty, obligation and responsibility (Definition ofwatchfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)watchverb(LOOK AT)A1[IorT]tolookat something for aperiodoftime,especiallysomething that ischangingormoving 观看;注视I haddinnerand watched TV for acoupleofhours.我吃了饭,然后看了几个小时电视。 Hespenttheentireafternoonwatching acricketmatch.他整个下午都在看一场板球比赛。 [+ obj + infinitive without to]I watched him get into acab.我看着他坐上一辆出租车。 I got thefeelingI was being watched.我有种被人监视的感觉。 [+ obj + -ing verb]Isitby thewindowand watchpeoplewalkingpast.我坐在窗边,看着人来人往。 [+ question word]Just watchhowheslidesthatballin past thegoalkeeper.看看他是多么巧妙地带球越过守门员而入网的。 Bonner watchedhelplesslyas theydroveaway without him.邦纳无助地看着他们开着车扬长而去,没有带上他。 She'llpretendthat she hasn'tseenus - you watch.她会假装没看见我们的——你看着吧。 [T]tostaywith someone or something, such as achild, for ashorttimeto makecertainthat he, she, or it issafe 看护;照看If youwantme to watch thekidsfor acoupleofhourswhile you go out, justletmeknow.如果你想在出门时让我帮忙照看孩子们几个小时,跟我说一声就行了。 Could you watch mybagsfor me, while I go to thetoilet?我去一趟卫生间,你帮我看一下这些包好吗? - You can watch thetrainsgoing by from thiswindow.
- Practically thewholenationwatched theceremonyontelevision.
- He watches a lot of TV.
- Wesaton thebeachwatching aspectacularsunset.
- Thousands offanspackedinto thestadiumto watch thematch.
watchverb(BE CAREFUL)B2[T]to becarefulof something 小心,当心,留神I have to watch myweight(= becarefulnot tobecometooheavy)now I'm notexercisingso much.我必须注意自己的体重,因为我现在不怎么运动。 Watchyourlanguage(= do not userudewords),youngman!请注意言语得体,年轻人! [+ (that)]Watch(that)you don't getglueonyourfingers.注意别把胶水粘到你的手指上。 [+ question word]Watchwhat you're doing with thatknife, Jim, it'ssharp.用那把刀时小心点,吉姆,它很锋利的。 You need to watch him - he's astrangecharacter.你得盯着他——他有点奇怪。 - You need to watch thosecardealers.
- Watch the mosquitos - they can give you anastybite.
- Watch what you're doing with thatstick!.
GrammarLook at,seeorwatch? When we look at something, we direct our eyes in its direction and pay attention to it:… Look at When we look at something, we direct our eyes in its direction and pay attention to it:… See See means noticing something using our eyes. The past simple form is saw and the -ed form is seen:… Watchas a verb Watch is similar to look at, but it usually means that we look at something for a period of time, especially something that is changing or moving:… Look at, seeorwatch: typical errors When there is an object, we use at after look:… Idiomswatchyourback watchyourstep watch it watch paint dry watch the clock watch the world go by watch this space Phrasal verbswatch out watch out forsb/sth watch oversb watchnoun(SMALL CLOCK)A1[C]asmallclockthat iswornon astraparound thewristor, sometimes,connectedto apieceofclothingby achain 表,手表My watchseemsto havestopped(=stoppedworking).我的手表好像停了。 Heglancednervouslyathis watch.他紧张地瞥了一眼手表。 - Repairing a watch is a veryfiddlyjob.
- She took/castaglanceat her watch.
- The watchmechanismisextremelyintricateand verydifficulttorepair.
- Doesyourwatchkeepgoodtime?
- On thebottomof the watch it said 'Swiss-made'.
watchnoun(LOOKING)[SorU]theactivityof watching or givingattentionto something or someone,especiallyto makecertainnothingbadhappens 观察;监视;注意Thepolicekeepaclosewatchongangmembers.警方严密监视着一个帮派成员。 Thesoldierssleptatnight, except for one whostayedawakeonwatch/tokeepwatch.夜里除了一个人站岗之外,其他的士兵都睡觉了。 [S]apersonorgroupofsoldiersorguardswhosedutyis toprotectaperson,place, or thing fromdangerorattack 警卫;哨兵警卫队;治安队 [C]aparticularperiodoftimeduring which apersonor agroupofsoldiersorguardshas thedutyofprotectingandwarningofdanger 警戒时间;(警卫或治安队等的)值班时间thenightwatch值夜班 - I sometimes justlookout thewindowandkeepa watch on thecomingsand goings of everyone in thestreet.
- Herparentsused tokeepajealouswatch over her when she wasyoung.
- Managementkeepaclosewatch onbullyingin theworkplace.
- Shekeepsaclosewatch on herhusbandtoseethat hebehaveshimself.
- You need tokeepaclosewatch on him. He's arealtroublemaker.
watch| American Dictionarywatchnoun(SMALL CLOCK)[C]asmallclockusuallywornon astraparound thewrist, or sometimescarriedin apocket: Shelookedat her watch and said, "It’s aquarterto five." watchnoun(LOOKING AT)[C/U]anactofguardingsomeone or something to makesurethepersonorpropertystayssafeand in therightplace: [U]Theprisonguardskeptaclosewatch on him. [C/U]Watch is also aperiodduring which someone isresponsibleforguardingorlookingaround to besurethatpropertyorpeoplearesafe, or thepersonwho isresponsible: [C]Thesoldierson thenightwatch had to becarefulnot tofallasleep. watchverb(LOOK AT)tolookat something for aperiodoftime: [T]Hespenttheeveningwatching anoldmovieon TV. [+ to infinitive]Thepolicewere watching toseewholeftthehouse. [T]Do youwantme to watch thekids(=noticewhat they are doing andcarefor them)when you go out? watchverb(BE CAREFUL)[T]to becarefulof something: We have to watchourbankaccountto makesurethere’s enoughmoneyin it topayourcreditcardbills. I’ve got tostartwatching myweight(= becarefulnot tobecomefat). Thesignsays "Watch for(= becarefulof)fallingrocks." (Definition ofwatchfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofwatchwatch The passage of records to and from the bookhouse was closely watched.From theCambridge English Corpus Although the amount of time spent watching television increased, these increases usually replaced time that had been spent listening to the radio.From theCambridge English Corpus He wallows around in his sweaty bed and goes to work and comes back and, eventually, looks in the mirror and watches himself disappear.From theCambridge English Corpus In this context, musical relations are likely to become more self-conscious, and less intimate, than when watching fiction.From theCambridge English Corpus Therefore, the analysis concentrates on hours of television watched during a working week, and the number of times television news was watched during the week.From theCambridge English Corpus The health effects of solitary leisure activities, such as mainly home-based hobbies or watching television, are however inconclusive.From theCambridge English Corpus He first waits for her on the roof, it is late at night, and he watches the moonlight.From theCambridge English Corpus The experience of watching a television broadcast is far less involving.From theCambridge English Corpus Consider that there is no trivial link between the sight of watching someone else scratch their nose, and the experience of scratching your own nose.From theCambridge English Corpus Respondents who reported watching a particular programme six or seven days a week were treated as watching five days a week.From theCambridge English Corpus There are watches that can be worn to give you full computing power or just as or, in addition to serve as a cellphone.From theCambridge English Corpus Are they likely to be perceived by an audience listening to and watching an opera in the theatre?From theCambridge English Corpus Interestingly, when we watched the listenersubjects making their decisions, we noted that they made them at similar points in the tape.From theCambridge English Corpus Instead, it was the practice of watching one's weight that was gendered.From theCambridge English Corpus The conversational data led me to seek out other texts that contained references to body size, beauty pageants, and gendered practices of watching one's weight.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithwatchwatchThese are words often used in combination withwatch. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. careful watch It will, however, require new priorities, and acarefulwatchon the changing contexts in which farming is taking place. From theCambridge English Corpus close watch on We keep aclosewatchon this, using monitoring and surveillance mechanisms. FromEuroparl Parallel Corpus - English constant watch Aconstantwatchwas kept to prevent servants staying a full year, while tenants taking on apprentices were immediately asked to stand surety for any future liability to the parish. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/watch## |