adeviceformeasuringandshowingtime, usuallyfoundin or on abuildingand notwornby aperson:
钟表,时钟We have anantiqueclock onourmantelpiece.我们家的壁炉架上有一只老式钟表。
The town-hall clocksays(=showsthat thetimeis)nine o'clock.市政厅的大钟指向了9点。
Ithinkthekitchenclock isfast/slow(= isshowingalater/earliertimethan it should).我觉得厨房的钟表快/慢了。
The clockbegantostriketwelve.时钟敲响12点。
Shesether clock(= put it to therighttime)by thetimesignalon theradio.她根据收音机上的报时信号对表。

Jan Olofsson/EyeEm/GettyImages
turn the clocks back(UKalsoput the clocks back);(USalsoset the clocks back)
tochangethetimeonyourclocks to anhourearlier, at anofficiallychosentimeofyear:
(按照官方时间)把时钟拨慢一小时Don'tforgettoturnthe clocks backtonight.今晚别忘了把钟拨慢一小时。
turn the clocks forward(UKalsoput the clocks forward);(USalsoset the clocks ahead)
tochangethetimeonyourclocks to anhourlater, at anofficiallychosentimeofyear:
(按照官方时间)把时钟拨快一小时Weturnthe clocksforwardtoday, soourchildrenwill beshortofsleep.
- Thisalarmclocktakestwo medium-sizedbatteries.
- The clock wasstrikingten as we went into thechurch.
- Thekitchenclock iswrong- it'sactually12.30 not 12.15.
- Digital clocks don't reallyhelpchildrentolearnabouttimeand how toorganizetheirtime.
- That clock is tenminutesslow.
Watches & clocks
- 24-hour clock
- against the clockidiom
- alarm
- alarm clock
- at/on the stroke ofsomethingidiom
- atomic clock
- horologist
- horology
- hour hand
- hourglass
- jewel
- military time
- movement
- stroke
- tick
- ticking
- timekeeper
- timepiece
- turn the clocks backphrase
- twenty-four-hour clock
the clock[S]
aspeedometer(= adevicethatmeasuresspeed):
速度计I was only doing 30mphonthe clock.速度表上显示我的车速只有每小时30英里。

Debbie Stanger/Moment/GettyImages
amilometer(= adeviceforrecordingdistancetravelled):
里程表,计程器My car's only got 10,000milesonthe clock.根据里程表,我的车才跑了1万英里。
The interior of vehicles
- back seat
- brake
- brake pedal
- dashboard
- defogger
- demister
- dickey
- dimmer switch
- dip switch
- footbrake
- gas pedal
- horn
- inertia reel
- luggage rack
- parking brake
- safety belt
- speedometer
- steering wheel
- stick shift
- tachograph
against the clock
be watching the clock
put/turn the clock back
round/around the clock
run down the clock
run out the clock
turn back the clock
to take aparticulartimeexactlyto do orcompletesomething:
用时;达到(某一时间)He clocked tensecondsin the 100metres(= heranit in tenseconds).他100米跑了10秒。
Watches & clocks
- 24-hour clock
- against the clockidiom
- alarm
- alarm clock
- at/on the stroke ofsomethingidiom
- atomic clock
- horologist
- horology
- hour hand
- hourglass
- jewel
- military time
- movement
- stroke
- tick
- ticking
- timekeeper
- timepiece
- turn the clocks backphrase
- twenty-four-hour clock
to show orreachaparticularspeedordistanceon ameasuringdevice:
显示,达到(某一速度或里程)[+ -ing verb]Thepoliceclocked him doing80mphin a 50mpharea.警察测出他在限速每小时50英里的地区开到了时速80英里。
Jim'scarhas clocked (up)(=travelled)40,000milesin less than twoyears.吉姆的车不到两年跑了4万英里。
Speed of motion
- airspeed
- at full/half throttleidiom
- briskness
- burst
- celerity
- clip
- fleetness
- gallop
- ground speed
- hypersonic
- instantaneous velocity
- multi-speed
- pace
- pacy
- rapidity
- rate
- speed
- supersonic
- velocity
- zip
tohitsomeone,especiallyon theheadorface:
打,揍,击(尤指头部或脸部)Then the otherguyturnedround and clocked himone(=hithim).这时,另一个家伙转过身来揍了他一顿。
Hitting and beating
- at-risk
- bangsomeoneup
- basher
- bashing
- battered
- brain
- bunch
- butt
- head-butt
- hell
- kick
- knock
- knocksomeone'sblock offidiom
- mess
- swing
- tansomeone'shideidiom
- tar
- wallop
- whop
- whup
Phrasal verbs
clock in
clock out