water slide
(alsowaterslide)uk/ˈwɔː.tə ˌslaɪd/us/ˈwɑː.t̬ɚ ˌslaɪd/aslopingstructureforslidingdown, thatendsin aswimmingpoolorareaofwater:
(水上乐园等中的)滑水道,水滑梯Theparkhaswaterslides,wavepoolsand otherfeatureskidsenjoy.园区内有滑水道、波浪池等孩子们喜欢的项目。
The waterslide wasfantasticfun, both foradultsandchildren.水滑梯非常好玩,无论是大人小孩都很喜欢。

- Awaterslidewasinstalledon theshoreof thelake.
- Sliding on agiantwaterslidewas one of theactivitiesthegirlsenjoyedatcamp.
- Theoutdoorfacilityin Beechwood has twowaterslides, ahydrotherapypooland alargepoolforlaneswimming.
- Thousands oftouristsspendthedayonjetskis,waterslides, andloungechairsat theenclosedbeach.
- Thepoolislargeandheated,completewith waterslide.
Play areas for children
- amusement arcade
- ball pool
- climbing frame
- jungle gym
- play park
- playground
- playpen
- playroom
- rec
- recreation ground
- roundabout
- sandbox
- sandlot
- sandpit
- schoolyard
- seesaw
- slide
- swing
- teeter-totter
- Wendy house
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Water sports