aperiodof sevendays,especiallyeither fromMondaytoSundayor fromSundaytoSaturday:
星期,周(尤指从星期一到星期日或从星期日到星期六)last/this/next week上/本/下周
We go to thecinemaaboutoncea week.我们大约一周去看一次电影。
Will you be going to next week'sclass?你下周去上课吗?
It usuallytakesabout four weeks to get theformsprocessed.处理这些表格通常需要4周左右的时间。
Don't do anythingstrenuousfor a weekor two.一两周之内不要干任何重活儿。
It'll be weeks(= several weeks)before theflooddamageiscleanedup.清理洪水造成的破坏要好几周时间。
the fivedaysfromMondaytoFriday, theusualworkingperiodfor manypeople:
工作周(星期一到星期五)We're usually tootiredto go out much during the week.工作日期间我们通常很累,没有精力去参加太多的社交活动。
one week after thedaymentioned:
(从某天算起的)一周The firstperformanceof theplayis a week(from) today/tomorrow.这出戏的首演将在从今天/明天算起的一周后举行。
Ourholidaystartsa weekonSaturday.我们的假期将从下周六开始。
UKShe has to go back toseethedoctorFridayweek.她得在下周五去复诊。
one week before thedaymentioned:
(某天之前的)一周It was hisbirthdaya weekago lastFriday.上星期五是他的生日。
UKTheproblemswith the TVstarteda weeklastMonday.从上星期一开始电视就出问题了。
theamountofhoursspentworkingduring a week or thenumberofdayson which apersonworks:
每周的工作小时数;每周的工作天数A lot offarmworkersworka six-day week.很多农场的工人每周工作6天。
week by week
each week during aperiodoftime:
每一周We couldseehishealthdeteriorateweek by week.每一周我们都能看到他的健康状况在恶化。
week after week(alsoweek in, week out)
regularlyorcontinuouslyfor many weeks:
一周又一周地;一连数周I go toaerobicsthreetimesa week, week in, week out.我一连几个星期每星期都去做三次有氧健身操。
- She gave thewholeclassextrahomeworkfor a week.
- My landlord's given me a week toclearout of myflat.
- I go toaerobicsoncea week.
- We're having toworka six-day week tocopewithdemand.
- We'rereadinga differentbookthis week.
Specific periods of time
- Anthropocene
- around-the-clock
- British Summer Time
- calendar month
- Cretaceous
- hour-long
- hr
- Jurassic
- lunar month
- Mesozoic
- nightlong
- Oligocene
- Ordovician
- Palaeocene
- Palaeogene
- Precambrian
- wk
- year
- year-long
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Days, & parts of the week
In the future & soon
In the past
Working hours
Continually & repeatedly
of the week