informaluk/ˈæd.ʌl.tɪŋ/us/ˈæd.ʌl.tɪŋ/actionsandbehaviourthat areconsideredtypicalofadults, notchildrenoryoungpeople:
成年人行为;以成年人方式行事Why is adulting so hard?像个成年人一样行事怎么就这么难?像个成年人就包括要保持自家房屋整洁、支付账单等等。
Adultingincludesthings likekeepingyourhomecleanandpayingbills.像个成年人一样行事包括保持家里清洁和支付账单等事情。
- Millennials have beencomplaininga lot about “adulting”lately, and thetermhascaughton.
- I'm notgreatat adulting. I do things likeeatfastfoodwhile thefreshingredientsIboughtrotin myfridge.
- Adulting is astageoflifesomelookforwardto but mostfinddifficult.
Physically and mentally mature & immature
- adult
- ageing
- babyish
- childish
- childishly
- immature
- immaturity
- infantile
- juvenile
- make a man (out) ofsomeoneidiom
- mature
- maturity
- overgrown
- petulance
- petulant
- petulantly
- post-adolescent
- puerility
- sophomoric
- young at heartidiom