alargebirdwithbrownishfeathers,shortlegs, and along,thinbeakthatlivesmainlyinwoodsand is sometimeshuntedforfoodorsport:
丘鹬,山鹬Thecoldweathercausedmanywoodlandbirds,includingwoodcock andwrens, toflocktourbanareastofindfood.寒冷的天气造成许多生活在树林中的鸟类,包括山鹬和鹪鹩,飞到都市区域寻找食物。
![picture of woodcock picture of woodcock](https://dictionary.cambridge.org//images/thumb/woodco_noun_004_2788.jpg?version=5.0.287)
Vitalii Hulai/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
thefleshof the woodcock,eatenasmeat:
丘鹬肉;山鹬肉Ourdinnerthatnightwaslocallyshotwoodcock andgrilledhalibut.那晚我们的晚餐是当地打的山鹬和烤比目鱼。
- The Cocker Spaniel was so called because thedogswere used tohuntwoodcock.
- Reducing the aspenforestinfavourofconiferswon'thelpthe woodcockpopulation, he said.
- Heparticularlyenjoyedshootingwoodcock on Islay, butlamentedthedeclineofgrouseon theisland.
- Sheaskedhow wewantedthe woodcockserved.
- Thechefincludesin hisrepertoiresomeclassicsofFrenchcuisineincludingroastedwoodcockservedwith asaucemade fromitsbones.
Ducks, geese & game birds
- capercaillie
- drake
- duck
- duckling
- ducky
- game
- gander
- geese
- goose
- gosling
- grouse
- guinea fowl
- guinea hen
- mallard
- non-game
- partridge
- pheasant
- quail
- turkey
- wildfowl
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Other wild birds
Kinds of meat