formaluk/ˈwɜː.ðəl.i/us/ˈwɝː.ðəl.i/in a way thatdeservesrespect,admiration, orsupport:
值得尊敬地;值得钦佩地;值得支持地For the past fouryears, he worthily andbravelycarriedout hisdutybefore his ownpeople.四年来,他在自己的人民面前,英勇忠实地履行了自己的职责。
It was a verybadmove,howeverworthily made.这是一个非常糟糕的举动,无论此举多么有价值。
in a way that is not veryinterestingbut should beadmiredforitsgood andusefulqualities:
有价值的,值得的Hespeaksworthily of hiscommitmenttodevelopment.他谈了对发展的承诺,值得支持。
"Consciousrappers" are theoneswhorapworthily aboutpoliticsandblackawareness.“良心说唱歌手”是那些在说唱时认真谈论政治和黑人意识的歌手。
- These arenegativequalitiesupon which nothing can worthily bebuilt.
- She had topretendthat she had beenspendinghertimeworthily.
- Curtin'snovelwas firstpublishedin 1989 and is worthily republished thismonth.
Admirable and admired
- admirable
- admirably
- awe-inspiring
- awe-inspiringly
- awesome
- canon
- estimable
- exemplary
- favourable
- glorious
- gloriously
- helluva
- laudably
- meritorious
- noted
- praiseworthy
- recognized
- vaunted
- venerable
- worthy