USuk/ziː/us/ziː/the lastletterof theEnglishalphabet;Z:
字母Z(英文字母表中的最后一个字母)Asfaras "zee vs. zed" goes, we Canadians still say "zed."至于字母Z读作“zee”还是“zed”,我们加拿大人还是说“zed”。
- Tiannadefiantlypronouncesthe lastletterof thealphabetin the Americanfashion, "zee."
- It wasleftto a DJguesttopointoutquietlythat Jay Z, therapperthat he wastalkingabout, waspronounced"zee" not "zed".
- "We arelookingforwardto thefactthat she canspell'colour' with a 'u' and we do not have to say 'zee' any more," said Robin Kent, a Britishexpatriatewho ismovinghis eight-year-olddaughterGracefrom an Americanschool.
- Thenameof theletterZ ispronouncedzed in BritishEnglishasopposedto zee in AmericanEnglish, though the words arenormallyonlyspelledout whennotingthedifference.
Letters of alphabets
- A, a
- alphabet
- alphabetic
- alphabetical
- alphabetically
- alphabetization
- alphanumeric
- alphanumerically
- delta
- gamma
- H, h
- I, i
- iota
- J, j
- K, k
- Q, q
- rho
- S, s
- sigma
- T, t