add (something) up
phrasal verbwithaddverb[IorT]uk/æd/us/æd/
tocalculatethetotalof two or morenumbers:
If youaddthose fourfiguresup, it comes to over £1,500.
UKI'm not very good ataddingup!
to add up numbers
- addAdd 24, 63, and 55.
- add upMy job was to add up the scores at the end.
- totalTotal the daily payments for a month and you arrive at your monthly expenditure.
- find the sumFind the sum of the following numbers.
- find the totalFind the total of £26.33, £55.09, and £109.65.
- add up toThe figures add up to a huge amount.
- I get a differentanswereachtimeIaddthesefiguresup.
- She wastryingtoaddup thepricesof all theitemsin herbasket.
- If youbuythreepackets, itaddsup to atotalof $18.
- Cinematickets,drinks,snacks- it alladdsup to a lot amoney.
- Theladywhoworksin thepostofficeis very good ataddingupnumbers.
Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division
- add
- addition sign
- additive
- arithmetical
- associative property
- coefficient
- deduction
- factorize
- half
- halve
- long division
- multiply
- power
- roundsomethingdown
- subtraction sign
- subtractive
- table
- takesomethingaway
- times
- treble