back order
(alsoback-order);(USalsobackorder)uk/ˈbæk ˌɔː.dər/us/ˈbæk ˌɔːr.dɚ/arequesttobuygoodsthat are notavailablenow but will beavailablein thefuture:
待交订(货)单Theluggagecompany'sofficesarefullof backordersforitssignaturebags.这家行李箱公司的办公室里堆满了其招牌包的待交订单。
on back order
requestedfor afuturetimewhen it or they will beavailabletobuy:
缺货中;无现货"We have dozens ofcopieson backorder", said thebookshopmanager.
- Thesystemshiftsdemandto where there issupply,insteadofpilingup backordersforinventorythat doesn'texist.
- Until theshipmentarrives, you canplacea backorderandyourcreditcardwill bechargedjustpriortoshipping.
- Somecompanies,particularlyinagriculturalequipment, are taking back-orders for up to ayearand ahalf.
- Mostoperatorshaveadditionalbreathingdeviceson backorder from one of twomajormanufacturers.
Buying & selling - general words
- all-you-can-eat
- anti-consumer
- anti-dumping
- barter
- best-selling
- dealership
- desk research
- ebay
- first refusal
- full-service
- hammer
- handle
- procurement
- rewards card
- sanctions-busting
- sealed-bid
- self-service
- shelf
- stretch
- treat
back order
(alsoback-order)uk/ˈbæk ˌɔː.dər/us/ˈbæk ˌɔːr.dɚ/torequesttobuygoodsthat are notavailablenow but will beavailablein thefuture:
预定(订购目前暂时缺货的产品)Gasmaskswere being backorderedwhilepublichealthofficialssoughttoplaydown therisks.在公共卫生官员试图淡化风险的同时,防毒面具却因缺货而需预订。
Ourstorewassoldout withinminutesand now theproductis back-ordered.该产品在我们店里几分钟内就售罄,目前处于预订后交货状态。
- Avendorshipspartof ashipmentto aretailerand backorderstheremainder.
- Thebraceletshavesoldout instoresand are back-orderedonline.
- Somesellerswillsendeverything together in oneshipment,otherssendwhat they canrightaway and thenchargeyou anothershippingfeewhen theysenda back-ordereditem.
Buying & selling - general words
- all-you-can-eat
- anti-consumer
- anti-dumping
- barter
- best-selling
- dealership
- desk research
- ebay
- first refusal
- full-service
- hammer
- handle
- procurement
- rewards card
- sanctions-busting
- sealed-bid
- self-service
- shelf
- stretch
- treat