USinformaldisapprovinguk/ˈbuː.ʒi/us/ˈbuː.ʒi/belongingto ortypicalof themiddleclass(= asocialgroupbetween the veryrichand thepoor),especiallyin giving a lot ofimportancetomoney,education, andsocialclass, or inlikingandwantingexpensiveandunusualthings:
中产阶级的;小资产阶级情调的;(尤指)追求物质享受的People in theneighbourhoodhavestrongopinionsabout inauthentic bougiesnobs.住在这里的人对不伦不类的小资势利眼有很大的意见。
It's one of thoseplaceswhere youpaya lot ofmoneybut don't get much. Too bougie for me!这就是很多钱买不到太多东西的那种地方。对我来说太奢侈了!
- Oatmilk,soymilk,almondmilk- bougiepeoplelike any "milk" that doesn'tactuallycome from acow.
- Doing anunpaidinternshipiskindof bougie because itmeans,hey, I canaffordtoworkfor nomoney!
- There wasmostlya bougiecrowd, but it stillfeltvery community-oriented.
Class & class-consciousness in general
- anti-bourgeois
- anti-snob
- arriviste
- bourgeois
- gentrify
- go/come down in the worldidiom
- go/come up in the worldidiom
- heap
- petit bourgeois
- petty bourgeois
- pleb
- plebby
- social mobility
- the bottom of the heapidiom
- the gentry
- the petite bourgeoisie
- the upper crust
- trailer trash
- underclass
- upper class
someone whobelongsto themiddleclass(= asocialgroupbetween the veryrichand thepoor),especiallysomeone whosupportstraditionalcustomsandvalues, or gives a lot ofimportancetomoney,education, andsocialclass, orlikesandwantsexpensiveandunusualthings:
中产阶级的人;小资产阶级情调的人;(尤指)追求物质享受的人There's nothing bougieslovemore thandinnerparties.那些小资情调的人最喜欢的莫过于晚餐派对了。
- You're such a bougie withyourartisanbreadandorganicveggies.
- As ablackman withdegreesfrom Princeton and Harvard who uses "summer" as averbtoexplainwhat he does on Martha's Vineyard, he is used to being called a bougie.
Class & class-consciousness in general
- anti-bourgeois
- anti-snob
- arriviste
- bourgeois
- gentrify
- go/come down in the worldidiom
- go/come up in the worldidiom
- heap
- petit bourgeois
- petty bourgeois
- pleb
- plebby
- social mobility
- the bottom of the heapidiom
- the gentry
- the petite bourgeoisie
- the upper crust
- trailer trash
- underclass
- upper class
athinmedicalinstrumentthat canbend, put into apartof thebodyinordertoopenit up,examineit, ortreatit :
(医用)探条;(药)栓剂A 54-60-F Maloney bougie waspassedinto thestomach.一根54-60-F 的马洛尼探条被送进胃里。
- Severalattemptstoforcethe endotrachealtubeover agumelasticbougie wereunsuccessful.
- For endoscopic bougiedilationof thestricture, aguidewirewill beplacedin thestomach.
- Oesophagealdilationby the Savary-Gaillard bougietechniqueis aneffectivemethodfortreatingoesophagealstricture.
- Onepatientsustainedan oesophagealperforationduringpassageof the bougie.
Medical & surgical equipment
- bioprinting
- cannula
- catheterization
- catheterize
- colonoscope
- defibrillator
- drip
- electrocardiogram
- inhaler
- iron lung
- kidney machine
- lancet
- needle exchange
- puffer
- radiograph
- retinaculum
- safety blanket
- sterilizer
- thermometer