thequalityof beingevilormorallyunacceptable:
坏,恶There isgoodnessand badness in everyone.每个人身上都有善也有恶。
Is this acaseof badness ormadness?这到底是邪恶还是疯狂?
- We candefine"moral" as beingconcernedwith thejudgmentof thegoodnessor badness ofhumanactionandcharacter.
- Thecasinoisassociatedwith money-laundering and other badness.
- thefatherwhofearshe'spassedhis badness onto hischildren
- She neversawany badness in anyone.
Morally wrong and evil
- abhorrent
- amoral
- amorality
- anomie
- antichrist
- dissipated
- dissolute
- dissolutely
- dissoluteness
- enormity
- no more Mr Nice Guyidiom
- non-ethical
- obscene
- obscenely
- obscenity
- turpitude
- unconscionable
- unconscionably
- unethical
- unprincipled
badnessnoun[U](LOW QUALITY)
thefactof being verylowinquality:
坏,差,糟糕I wasamazedby thesheerbadness of thefilm.我对这部电影的糟糕程度叹为观止。
- This would befineif the movie's badness wasplayedforlaughs, but it's not.
- The very badness of thesebooksremindsus of other,betterbooks.
- The badness of thepaintingisdeliberate.
Not of good quality
- a miserable, poor, etc. excuse forsomethingidiom
- apology
- appallingly
- atrocious
- atrociously
- awfully
- awfulness
- be an apology forsomethingidiom
- downscale
- inadequate
- inadequately
- janky
- motley
- tacky
- tawdry
- thinness
- third-class
- third-rate
- unappetizing
- wretched
badnessnoun[U](SEVERE OR HARMFUL)
thequalityof beingsevere,harmful, orunpleasant:
极为糟糕、恶劣的程度Can youratethe badness of thepainon ascalefrom 1 to 10?你能从1到10给你的疼痛强度评分吗?
I couldn'tbelievethe badness of theweather.我没想到天气如此恶劣。
- Whatever we do, there arebadconsequences, but you have tojudgetherelativebadness of all theconsequences.
- Eachhurricanehasitsownbrandof badness.
- According to thisprinciple, therightnessor wrongness of anactisdeterminedby thegoodnessor badness ofitsresults.
- Heseemedamazedat the badness of his owndrunkencondition.
Serious and unpleasant
- abominable
- abominably
- abysmal
- abysmally
- apocalyptic
- fraught
- frightful
- from hellidiom
- fun
- ghastliness
- nightmarish
- nightmarishly
- noisome
- not be all fun and gamesidiom
- objectionable
- vile
- woeful
- woefully
- wretchedly
- yucky