uk/ˈbʌf.ə.ləʊ/us/ˈbʌf.ə.loʊ/pluralbuffaloesorbuffaloalargeanimalof thecattlefamily, withlong,curvedhorns:
水牛;野牛It iscommonhere toseeawaterbuffalopullingacart.
One of Italy's mostrevereddelicaciesismozzarellamade with buffalomilk.

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aNorthAmericanbison(= alargewildanimal,similarto acowbut having alargerheadandshoulderscoveredinhair):
Readers willgrowtounderstandhowsacredthe buffalo was inbuildingthe AmericanWest.

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- Where I come from, we use buffalo topullaplough.
- Theyfarmcoriander,pomegranatesand buffalo.
- Somewheresoutheastof El Paso in the early 1530s, theshipwreckedwandererCabeza de Vaca firstsawthe buffalo, or the Americanbison.
- Thepaintingshowsbuffalo sonumeroustheydarkentheplainintheirthousands.
Cattle & similar animals
- bison
- bossy
- bovine
- bullock
- calf
- cattle
- cow
- Friesian
- Galloway
- heifer
- highland
- Holstein
- longhorn
- maverick
- ox
- ox-drawn
- shorthorn
- steer
- yak
- zebu