释义 |
canmodal verb(ABILITY)Can youdrive?你会开车吗? She canspeakfourlanguages.她会讲4门语言。 Can youreadthatsignfrom thisdistance?你从这么远的距离能看清楚那标牌上的东西吗? Thedoctorsare doing all that they can, but she's still notbreathingproperly.医生们在竭尽所能,可是她仍然不能正常呼吸。 Do thebestyou can - Irealizethecircumstancesare notideal.尽力而为吧——我知道情况不理想。 If thepartyisawful, we canalwaysleave(= that would be onepossiblesolutiontoourproblem).如果聚会很糟,我们总还可以离开。 "She's reallyfuriousabout it." "Can youblameher(= I'm notsurprised)?"“她对此确实很生气。”“你能怪她吗?” Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto be able to do something - able toI wasn't able to work out what she was trying to say.
- canCan you make out what she is trying to say?
- be capable of (doing)You are capable of a lot more than you think you are.
- know how to"Do you know how to swim?" "Of course I know how to swim."
See more results » can doUSinformal used to say that you can and will do something: 可以,行,好"Will youmailthisletterfor me,please?" "Can do."“请你帮我把这封信寄了,好吗?”“行。” See more- I don'tknowhow he canafforda newcaron hissalary.
- Cats canseein thedark.
- The water's notdeephere -look, I cantouchthebottom.
- Idoubtwhether I canfinishtheworkontime.
- Computers canperformmillions ofcalculationsevery second.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPossible and probable - always
- anything's possibleidiom
- arguably
- as never beforeidiom
- auspiciously
- bet
- fair
- it isn't over until the fat lady singsidiom
- lean
- lean towards sth
- liable
- likelihood
- manage
- probable
- probably
- prospective
- prospectively
- realm
- tend
- tip
See more results » canmodal verb(PERMISSION)A1to beallowedto: (表示许可)可以,能 Can I useyourbike,John?约翰,我能用你的自行车吗? You canparkover there.你们可以把车停在那边。 You can have apieceofcakeafter you'veeatenyourvegetables!吃完蔬菜你就可以吃块蛋糕! informalsometimes used totellsomeoneangrilyto do something: (生气地命令某人)必须,得 If youcarryon beinghorribletoyoursister, Sophie, you can just go tobed!索菲,如果你对你妹妹还这么凶,就上床睡觉去! - If youfinishearly you can gohome.
- She can comewhenevershelikes, asfaras I'mconcerned.
- Finish upyourdinnerand you can havedessert.
- How early can you get off thisafternoon?
- Anyone can go - you don't have to beinvited.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAllowing and permitting - admission
- admit
- admit ofsomething
- allow ofsomething
- allowable
- authorization
- authorize
- clearance
- entrance
- given the chance/choiceidiom
- green-light
- hall pass
- imprimatur
- left
- liberty
- relicense
- relicensure
- say-so
- security clearance
- seeyourway (clear) todoing somethingidiom
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: canmodal verb(REQUEST)A1used torequestsomething: (用于请求)能,可以 If youseeBrett, can youtellhim I'm intownnextweekend?如果你见到布雷特,能告诉他我下周末在伦敦吗? Can you make a little lessnoise,please? I'mtryingtowork.请你别发出那么大声音好吗?我正在工作。 - I can't get thecorkout of thebottle- can youtry?
- Excuse me, can I just get past?
- It'sfreezingin here - can Iclosethewindow?
- Please can I have a go onyourbike?
- Andrew, can youhelpmeinstallthissoftware?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMaking appeals & requests - appellate
- ask forsomeone
- behest
- beseech
- call for orderphrase
- call onsomeone
- callsomeonein
- claim
- demand
- implore
- invite
- pay claim
- pretty pleaseidiom
- propitiation
- push
- push forsomething
- put in forsomething
- put the squeeze onsomeoneidiom
- reapply
- requisition
See more results » canmodal verb(POSSIBILITY)A2used toexpresspossibility: (表示可能性)可以,能,会 You can getstampsfrom thelocalnewsagents.你可以在当地的报刊销售店买到邮票。 You can get verynastyskindiseasesfrombathingindirtywater.在脏水里洗澡会得严重的皮肤病。 Smoking cancausecancer.吸烟可能会导致癌症。 Noise can bequiteaproblemwhen you'relivingin aflat.住公寓噪音会很成问题。 He can be reallyannoyingattimes(= he is sometimes veryannoying).有时候他很烦人。 - Couples who arechildlesscanfeelexcludedfrom therestofsociety.
- Children canchokeonpeanuts.
- Clearance of achequecan take up to aweek.
- You can gettravelconcessionsif you are under 26.
- Not making a will can haveseriousconsequencesfor thepeopleyou mightwishtobenefit.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPossible and probable - always
- anything's possibleidiom
- arguably
- as never beforeidiom
- auspiciously
- bet
- fair
- it isn't over until the fat lady singsidiom
- lean
- lean towards sth
- liable
- likelihood
- manage
- probable
- probably
- prospective
- prospectively
- realm
- tend
- tip
See more results » canmodal verb(OFFER)A1used inpoliteoffersofhelp: (用于礼貌地提出帮忙)可以,能 Can Ihelpyou with thosebags?我帮您拎那些包好吗? I'mafraidMs Ferguson has alreadylefttheoffice. Can I be of anyhelp?恐怕弗格森女士已经离开办公室了。我能帮什么忙吗? - Is there anything I can do tohelp?
- You can goinsteadof me, if youwant.
- Youlooklost- can Ihelpyou?
- What a lot ofbags! Can Icarrysomething for you?
- "If you like I can do someshoppingfor you." "That's a verykindoffer."
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPolite expressions - actually
- allow
- be so good as tophrase
- by all meansidiom
- chance
- cordially
- magic word
- may I askidiom
- might
- might I ask/inquire/knowidiom
- no problemidiom
- obliged
- pardon (me)idiom
- problem
- say
- thank you
- welcome
- wonder
- would
- you're welcomeidiom
See more results » GrammarCan Can comes first in the verb phrase (after the subject and before another verb):… Can,couldormay: typical errors Could in the present only expresses weak possibility. Can expresses strong possibility:… Can: forms Can comes first in the verb phrase (after the subject and before another verb):… Can: uses We often use can to ask for or give permission:… Can: past The past of can is could:… Can: typical errors We write cannot as one word:… Can,couldormay? When we talk about possibility, we use can, could and may, but they are different in meaning.… Possibility When we talk about possibility, we use can, could and may, but they are different in meaning.… Permission We use can, could and may to ask for permission. We use can and may, but not could, to give permission. May is less common:… Requests When we make requests, we can use can or could (but not may). Could is more polite than can:… cannoun(CONTAINER)A2[C](alsotin can);(UKalsotin)aclosedmetalcontainer,especiallycylinder-shaped, in which sometypesofdrinkandfoodaresold: (尤指圆柱形的)罐,筒,听  Marielle, Bruno/GettyImages [C](UKalsotin)theamountoffoodordrinkthat iscontainedin a can: 一罐的量 You'll need a can oftunafor thisrecipe.做这道菜需要一罐金枪鱼。 [C](UKalsotin)ametalcontainerforliquids, usually with alidandhandle: See alsogarbage can jerrycan oilcan trash can watering can SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesContainers for liquids and gases - aerosol
- amphora
- bottle
- bucket
- canister
- churn
- growler
- hip flask
- hot-water bottle
- hottie
- howler
- oxygen tank
- siphon
- sprayer
- squeeze bottle
- stoup
- stubby
- Thermos
- tin can
- tinnie
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Measurements of volume: informal cannoun(HEADPHONES)cans[plural]slang I waswearingcans so I didn'thearanything.我当时戴着耳机,所以什么也没听见。 See morecannoun(PRISON)the can[S]US informalforprison: 监狱(prison的非正式说法)Hespenttenyearsinthe can forarmedrobbery.他因持枪抢劫而蹲了10年大牢。 He'd alreadyspentfiveyearsin the can formoneylaundering. These areterriblepeople. Ihopethey getthrownin the can. So howlongwas she in the can for? Asfaras Iknow, she's still in the can. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPrisons & parts of prisons - approved school
- Bastille
- boot camp
- borstal
- brig
- dungeon
- gaol
- gaoler
- halfway house
- nick
- open prison
- panopticon
- penal colony
- penitentiary
- straightjacket
- straitjacket
- the gulag
- warden
- warder
- young offender institution
See more results » cannoun(TOILET)the canUS informalfortoilet: 厕所(toilet的非正式说法)"Where's Mike?" "He'sinthe can." Howlonghas Dad been in the can? Waitrighthere - I've got to go to the can. When he get out of the can, can youtellhim I need tospeakto him? Where's the can? He's been in the can for, like, twentyminutes. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesParts of buildings: the toilet - bathroom
- bedpan
- bog
- chamber pot
- cistern
- cloakroom
- flush
- flushable
- gent
- john
- ladies' room
- latrine
- lav
- litter
- potty chair
- powder room
- privy
- public convenience
- restroom
- women's room
See more results » canverb[T](FOOD)to putfoodanddrinkinto aclosedmetalcontainerwithoutair: 将(食物、饮料)装罐Heworksin afactorywhere they canfruit.他在一家罐装水果的工厂工作。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPreserving & storing food - beeswax wrap
- bin
- biscuit tin
- bread basket
- bread bin
- crystallized
- deep freeze
- defrost
- flash-freeze
- foil
- pasteurize
- pasteurized
- pickle
- pickled
- pickling
- tea caddy
- tinfoil
- tinned
- tub
- Tupperware
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: canverb[T](STOP)mainlyUSinformaltostopdoing something or makingnoise: 停止做;不再吵闹 Hey, canit, would you? I'mtryingtosleep.嗨,别吵了,行吗?我要睡觉呢。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCausing something to end - abandon
- abandonment
- all good things (must) come to an endidiom
- and have done with itidiom
- be over the humpidiom
- cure
- jacksomethingin
- killsomethingstone-deadidiom
- knock
- knock off (something)
- lay
- lay the ghost ofsomething(to rest)idiom
- lid
- lift
- raise
- stanch
- staunch
- stem
- stopper
- stranglesomethingat birthidiom
See more results » (Definition ofcanfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)canmodal verb(ABILITY)能,会Can youdrive?你会开车吗? She canspeakfourlanguages.她会讲4门语言。 Can youreadthatsignfrom thisdistance?你从这么远的距离能看清楚那标牌上的东西吗? Thedoctorsare doing all that they can, but she's still notbreathingproperly.医生们在竭尽所能,可是她仍然不能正常呼吸。 Do thebestyou can - Irealizethecircumstancesare notideal.尽力而为吧——我知道情况不理想。 If thepartyisawful, we canalwaysleave(= that would be onepossiblesolutiontoourproblem).如果聚会很糟,我们总还可以离开。 "She's reallyfuriousabout it." "Can youblameher(= I'm notsurprised)?"“她对此确实很生气。”“你能怪她吗?” can doUSinformal used to say that you can and will do something 可以,行,好"Will youmailthisletterfor me,please?" "Can do."“请你帮我把这封信寄了,好吗?”“行。” "I need you topickup thekidstoday." "Sorry, no can do(= no I can't)."“今天我需要你去接孩子。”“抱歉,不行。” - I don'tknowhow he canafforda newcaron hissalary.
- Cats canseein thedark.
- The water's notdeephere -look, I cantouchthebottom.
- Idoubtwhether I canfinishtheworkontime.
- Computers canperformmillions ofcalculationsevery second.
canmodal verb(PERMISSION)(表示许可)可以,能Can I useyourbike, John?约翰,我能用你的自行车吗? You canparkover there.你们可以把车停在那边。 You can have apieceofcakeafter you'veeatenyourvegetables!吃完蔬菜你就可以吃块蛋糕! informalsometimes used totellsomeoneangrilyto do something (生气地命令某人)必须,得If youcarryon beinghorribletoyoursister, Sophie, you can just go tobed!索菲,如果你对你妹妹还这么凶,就上床睡觉去! - If youfinishearly you can gohome.
- She can comewhenevershelikes, asfaras I'mconcerned.
- Finish upyourdinnerand you can havedessert.
- How early can you get off thisafternoon?
- Anyone can go - you don't have to beinvited.
canmodal verb(REQUEST)A1used torequestsomething (用于请求)能,可以If youseeBrett, can youtellhim I'm intownnextweekend?如果你见到布雷特,能告诉他我下周末在伦敦吗? Can you make a little lessnoise,please? I'mtryingtowork.请你别发出那么大声音好吗?我正在工作。 - I can't get thecorkout of thebottle- can youtry?
- Excuse me, can I just get past?
- It'sfreezingin here - can Iclosethewindow?
- Please can I have a go onyourbike?
- Andrew, can youhelpmeinstallthissoftware?
canmodal verb(POSSIBILITY)A2used toexpresspossibility (表示可能性)可以,能,会You can getstampsfrom thelocalnewsagents.你可以在当地的报刊销售店买到邮票。 You can get verynastyskindiseasesfrombathingindirtywater.在脏水里洗澡会得严重的皮肤病。 Smoking cancausecancer.吸烟可能会导致癌症。 Noise can bequiteaproblemwhen you'relivingin aflat.住公寓噪音会很成问题。 He can be reallyannoyingattimes(= he is sometimes veryannoying).有时候他很烦人。 - Couples who arechildlesscanfeelexcludedfrom therestofsociety.
- Children canchokeonpeanuts.
- Clearance of achequecan take up to aweek.
- You can gettravelconcessionsif you are under 26.
- Not making a will can haveseriousconsequencesfor thepeopleyou mightwishtobenefit.
canmodal verb(OFFER)A1used inpoliteoffersofhelp (用于礼貌地提出帮忙)可以,能Can Ihelpyou with thosebags?我帮您拎那些包好吗? I'mafraidMs Ferguson has alreadylefttheoffice. Can I be of anyhelp?恐怕弗格森女士已经离开办公室了。我能帮什么忙吗? - Is there anything I can do tohelp?
- You can goinsteadof me, if youwant.
- Youlooklost- can Ihelpyou?
- What a lot ofbags! Can Icarrysomething for you?
- "If you like I can do someshoppingfor you." "That's a verykindoffer."
GrammarCan Can comes first in the verb phrase (after the subject and before another verb):… Can,couldormay: typical errors Could in the present only expresses weak possibility. Can expresses strong possibility:… Can: forms Can comes first in the verb phrase (after the subject and before another verb):… Can: uses We often use can to ask for or give permission:… Can: past The past of can is could:… Can: typical errors We write cannot as one word:… Can,couldormay? When we talk about possibility, we use can, could and may, but they are different in meaning.… Possibility When we talk about possibility, we use can, could and may, but they are different in meaning.… Permission We use can, could and may to ask for permission. We use can and may, but not could, to give permission. May is less common:… Requests When we make requests, we can use can or could (but not may). Could is more polite than can:… cannoun(CONTAINER)A2[C](alsotin can);(UKalsotin)aclosedmetalcontainer,especiallycylinder-shaped, in which sometypesofdrinkandfoodaresold (尤指圆柱形的)罐,筒,听a can ofsoup/beans一罐汤/豆 [C](UKalsotin)theamountoffoodordrinkthat iscontainedin a can 一罐的量You'll need a can oftunafor thisrecipe.做这道菜需要一罐金枪鱼。 [C](UKalsotin)ametalcontainer,especiallyone with alid,handle, andshapedopeningforpouring (尤指带盖和把的)金属罐anoilcan油罐 a can ofpaint一桶油漆 cannoun(HEADPHONES)cans[plural]slang 耳机I waswearingcans so I didn'thearanything.我当时戴着耳机,所以什么也没听见。 cannoun(PRISON)the can[S]US 监狱(prison的非正式说法)Hespenttenyearsinthe can forarmedrobbery.他因持枪抢劫而蹲了10年大牢。 canverb[T](FOOD)to putfoodanddrinkinto aclosedmetalcontainerwithoutair 将(食物、饮料)装罐Heworksin afactorywhere they canfruit.他在一家罐装水果的工厂工作。 canverb[T](STOP)mainlyUSinformaltostopdoing something or makingnoise 停止做;不再吵闹Hey, canit, would you? I'mtryingtosleep.嗨,别吵了,行吗?我要睡觉呢。 cannoun[C](CONTAINER)ametalcontainer,esp. aclosed,cylindricalcontainerin whichfoodanddrinkarepackaged: agas/wateringcan Thevendingmachinehassodain cans. A can is also theamountoffoodordrinkthat a canholds: I had a can ofsoupforlunch. canverb[T](CONTAIN)topreservefoodby putting it into a can or into ajar(=glasscontainer)from which theairisremoved: They can allkindsoffruit. slangIf you getcanned, you aredismissedfromyourjob: No, I’m not onvacation– I gotcannedlastweek. canmodal verb(ABLE)She canspeakfourlanguages. We’re doing thebestwe can, but we won’t makeourdeadline. canmodal verb(PERMIT)to beallowedor to havepermission: You canparkon thestreet. You can do it by yourself. Can is also used torequestsomething: Can youhelpmeliftthisbox? Can I have atissue,please? Note:- Can is usually used in standard spoken English when asking for permission. It is acceptable in most forms of written English, although in very formal writing, such as official instructions, may is often used instead:Persons under 14unaccompaniedby anadultmay notenter.
canmodal verb(BE POSSIBLE)used toexpresspossibilityin thepresent: You can getstampsat thepostoffice. canmodal verb(OFFER)used inpoliteoffersofhelpor by someone whoprovidesservice, as in astore: Can Ihelpyou with thosebags? (Definition ofcanfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)PRODUCTIONto putfoodordrinkinto aclosedmetalcontainertopreserveit: HRUSinformaltoremovesomeone fromtheirjob: Afterbecomingpartnerin May of lastyear, she was canned fivemonthslater. (Definition ofcanfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/can## |