uk/ˌkæp.ɪˈbɑː.rə/us/ˌkæp.ɪˈbɑːr.ə/aSouthAmericananimalthatlookslike alargeguineapig, or themeatof thisanimalthat iscookedandeaten:
水豚;水豚肉Capybaras are the world'slargestrodents, about thesizeof amediumdog.水豚是世界上最大的啮齿动物,体型约为中型犬。

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- The capybaras, whichlooklikegiantguineapigs,arrivedat thezooinOctober.
- Thegiantrodentsknownas capybaras are thejaguars' mostcommonprey.
- Everymorningwewoketofindourselvessurroundedbyfreshtracksmade by capybaras (the world'slargestspeciesofrodent,lookingsomething like agiantguineapig).
- Dried andsalted, capybaratasteslike afishyporkchop.
- A ten-metreanacondaswamunderwatertoambushababycapybara.
Rodents & similar animals
- beaver
- bunny
- chinchilla
- chipmunk
- coney
- cony
- cottontail
- gerbil
- gopher
- groundhog
- guinea pig
- hamster
- lemming
- marmot
- mice
- prairie dog
- rabbit
- squirrelly
- vole
- woodchuck