birthday card
uk/ˈbɜːθ.deɪ ˌkɑːd/us/ˈbɝːθ.deɪ ˌkɑːrd/acardthat yousendto someone ontheirbirthday, with apictureon thefrontandgreetings:
Hundreds of thousands ofpeoplewrite to him everyyear; someevensendhimbirthdaycards.
I didn'tgetabirthdaycardfrom her thisyear.

- Hesendspersonallysignedbirthdaycardsto everyteacher.
- We allwantaletterfrom afriend, abirthdaycard, aChristmascard, acheck, aloveletter. But most of themailwe get isjunkmailandbills.
- Mydadleftwhen I was seven. In all thattimeI never got abirthdaycard.
Birthdays & anniversaries
- anniversary
- bicentenary
- birthday
- birthday party
- birthday present
- diamond jubilee
- diamond wedding anniversary
- earthstrong
- golden jubilee
- golden wedding anniversary
- jubilee
- landmark birthday
- milestone birthday
- name day
- ruby wedding anniversary
- silver jubilee
- silver wedding anniversary
- tercentenary