disagreeingwith aplanoractivity:
反对;与…相反Shespokeagainst thedecisiontoclosethecollege.她声言反对关闭学院的决定。
50peoplevotedagainst the newproposal.50人投票反对这一新提案。
I'm very much against theideathat it is the woman'sjobtobringup thechild.对于抚养孩子是女人的活儿这一想法,我坚决反对。
Germany areplayingagainstBrazilin thecupfinaltonight.德国队在今晚的决赛中对阵巴西队。
She's alwaysrebelledagainstauthority.她总是对抗权威。
Shesoldthehouseeventhough it was against hiswishes.她卖掉了房子,尽管这违背了他的愿望。
They called ademonstrationtoprotestagainstproposedjobcuts.他们召集了示威游行来抗议削减工作机会的提议。
Are youfor oragainst myproposal?你赞成还是反对我的提议?
Sanctions against thecountryshould belifted.应该取消对这个国家的制裁。
Strictercontrolswillhelpin thefightagainstinflation.更加严厉的调控措施将有助于抑制通货膨胀。
Criminalchargeswill bebroughtagainst thedriver.将对司机提起刑事诉讼。
Theydecidednot to takelegalactionagainst him.他们决定不起诉他。
They wereupagainst apowerfulpressuregroup.他们面临一个强大的压力集团。
Wecame upagainst a lot ofproblemsin thecourseofbuildingourextension.我们在扩建过程中遇到好多问题。
Thechances/oddsagainst youwinningsuch acompetitionareenormous.你赢得这样一场比赛的可能性极小。
It's againstthelaw(=illegal)toleavechildrenunder acertainagealonein thehouse.将某个年龄以下的孩子单独留在家里是违法的。
It's against mybeliefs/principlesto beniceto someone Idislikejust because they're in aseniorposition.对于我厌恶的人,我不会仅仅因为他比我职位高就对其和颜悦色,这有违我的处世原则。
Againstallprobability(=althoughit wasextremelyunlikely)wefoundourselves in the samehotel.不可思议的是,我们发现自己竟然住进了同一家旅馆。
I wouldn'tdaresay anything against him(=criticizehim)to hismother!我不敢对他妈妈说他的坏话!
to disagree with something by speaking or fighting against it
- opposeVillagers opposed plans to widen the carriageway.
- objectNo one objected to the decision.
- defyA few workers defied the decision to strike and went in to work.
- speak out againstMore and more people are speaking out against this unpopular law.
- stand out againstMore people are standing out against the corruption of the local government.
- declare againstUKShe declared against the new airport.
If you have something against someone, youdislikethem for areason:
因(某种原因)不喜欢(某人)I'venothingagainst him - I just don't have much incommonwith him.我一点都不讨厌他,只是和他没有太多相似之处。
count/go/work againstsomeone
If somethingcounts/goes/worksagainst you, it gives you adisadvantage:
对…不利Lack ofexperiencewillgenerallycountagainst you in aninterview.一般而言,缺乏工作经验会成为面试的不利因素。
- Thecaseagainst her wascircumstantial.
- Thecourtissuedacontemptcitationagainstcitycouncilmemberswhorefusedtocomplywith acourtorder.
- Shebroughtacivilactionagainst herformeremployer.
- Hisdoctoradvisedhim againstsmoking.
- I'dstronglyadviseagainst making asuddendecision.
Opposing & against
- ad hominem
- alienate
- alienated
- antagonism
- antagonistic
- anti-boycott
- antithetical
- converse
- insurgent
- nimby
- nimbyism
- non-confidence
- oppositional
- outcry
- protest
- raise
- resistant
- sail against the windidiom
- versus
- virulent
next to andtouchingor beingsupportedby (something):
紧贴着;紧靠着;倚在Why don't we put thebedagainst thewall?为什么不把床紧靠墙放呢?
Helovedthefeelof hersofthairagainst hisskin.他喜欢她那柔滑的头发贴着他的肌肤的感觉。
Therainbeatagainst herfaceas shestruggledthrough thewind.她在风雨中艰难行进,雨水打在她的脸上。
Thepoliceofficerhad him up against thewall, botharmsbehind his back.警察把他双手别在身后按到墙上。
Sheleanedagainst thedoor.她倚着门。
at the side of
- besideCome sit beside me.
- next toYour glasses are on the table next to my tea.
- alongCars were parked along the road.
- alongsideBikes shared the road alongside cars and mopeds.
- againstWe pushed the bed against the wall.
infrontof orcomparedto:
以…为背景;以…作衬托;和…对照Paintingslookbestagainst asimplewhitewall.画挂在没有任何装饰的白墙上看上去效果最好。
- Thedogcockeditslegagainst atree.
- I've got abruisewhere Ihitmylegagainst thecornerof thetable.
- Theroomwaspackedand we werecrammedagainst thedoor.
- We couldhearwavescrashingon/against theshore.
- Shesankback against thecushions.
Next to and beside
- abreast
- adjacency
- adjacent
- adjoining
- along
- atsomeone'selbowidiom
- beside
- bordering
- contiguity
- contiguous
- neighbour
- next
- next door
- next door but oneidiom
- non-contiguous
- on
- shoulder
- shoulder to shoulderidiom
- side
- to
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Comparing and contrasting
againstpreposition(IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION)
in theoppositedirectionto:
逆…的方向;迎着The lastpartof thecoursewas hard because I wasrunningagainst thewind.最后一段赛程很艰难,因为我是顶风跑。
Commuting is not sobadwhen you aretravellingagainst thetraffic.如果你是逆着主车流而行,乘车上下班倒也不错。
Through, across, opposite and against
- across
- across countryidiom
- agin
- along
- catty-corner
- country
- cross
- front
- give
- kitty-corner
- on
- opposite
- other
- overland
- through
- thru
- to
- trans
againstpreposition(AS PROTECTION)
as aprotectionordefencefrom thebadeffectsof:
防…;抗…We'veinsuredthecaragainstfire,theft, andaccident.我们给车上了火灾险、窃盗险和交通事故险。
Thepolicehave toarmthemselves againstattack.警察必须得配备武器以防受到攻击。
- Thecircuitryin thisfighteraircrafthas beenprotectedagainststrongmagneticfields.
- As astudentyou'recocoonedagainst therealworld.
- The Chancellor'scountermeasuresagainstinflationhave beencompletelyineffective.
- Doesyourtravelinsurancecoveryou against thelossortheftofcash?
- Whitebloodcellshelpdefendthebodyagainstinfection.
Protection and protectors
- adopt
- adoptable
- aegis
- anti-shark
- anti-skid
- chaperone
- custodian
- cybersecurity
- defence mechanism
- den mother
- doorkeeper
- precaution
- preservationist
- rewilding
- ring-fence
- safe space
- safeguarding
- safekeeping
- witness protection
Against: reactions
We use against to refer to negative, hostile or opposing reactions to situations, beliefs, people, events, etc.…Against: physical contact
We often use against to talk about physical contact between two or more things:…Against: competition
We often use against with verbs and nouns connected with sport and competitions, such as compete/competition, final, game, match, play, semi-final:…When we don’t useagainst
We use about, not against, to refer to taking action to solve problems:…Against: typical error
We use against, not with, in sport when two teams or individuals compete:…Against
Against is a preposition.…Idioms
against time/the clock
as against
be up against it