someone with animportantpositionin abank:
银行家She was asuccessfulbanker by thetimeshe was 40.40岁时她已是一名成功的银行家了。
thepersoningameswho isresponsiblefordealingwith themoney
庄家- ahigh-flyinginvestmentbanker
- a banker and agovernmentministerwere incahootsover apropertydeal
- abrashyoungbanker
- aninvestmentbanker
- Iarrangedfor somemoneyto besentfrom London to Madrid by banker'sdraft.
- anti-city
- bancassurance
- bank
- building society
- cash drawer
- central bank
- challenger bank
- chequebook
- credit
- credit union
- debit
- debit column
- deposit
- electronic banking
- giro
- investment bank
- landbanking
- pay
- safe deposit box
- statement
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