Bantu knots
(alsobantu knots)uk/ˈbæn.tuː ˌnɒts/us/ˈbæn.tuː ˌnɑːts/ahairstylebasedon atraditionalstylewornby theZulupeoplefromsouthernAfrica, in which thehairisseparatedinto anumberofsections, each onetwistedandtiedinplace:
班图结(南部非洲祖鲁人的一种传统发型,将头发分成若干部分,每个部分都拧在一起)Shechargesaround $65 forbraidinghairintoBantuknots, alongandintricateprocess.她把头发编成班图结的收费约为65美元,过程需要很多时间而且很复杂。
- Here is a step-by-stepguideon how to doBantuknots.
- Rihanna, Janet Jackson, Jada Pinkett Smith, Tracee Ellis Ross, Erykah Badu and LaurynHillare just ahandfulofBlackcelebritieswho’veproudlysporteda headful of bantuknots.
- While somepeopleonly usetheirnaturalhairinordertocreatetheirbantuknots, you can alwaysaddextensions.
- Bantuknotsis ahairstylewhere thehairissectionedoff,twisted, andwrappedin a such a way that thehairstacksupon itself toformaspiraledknot.
- ThemodelwascriticizedforculturalappropriationafterwearingherhairinBantuknots.
- Afro
- Afro puff
- bandeau
- barnet
- blow-dry
- bowl cut
- chignon
- comb-over
- dreadlocks
- fade
- hair extension
- hairdo
- relaxed
- shake out
- shoulder-length
- sidelock
- skinhead
- spiked
- spit curl
- undercut