alarge,powerfulgun, usuallyattachedto two or fourwheels, that was used in the past tofireheavystoneormetalballs:
(旧时的)大炮,火炮,加农炮The 5,000-pound cannonpredatesthe Civil War.
The cannon werepositionedon thefieldofbattle.

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agunfastenedto anaircraft:
(飞机上的)机关枪Aburstoffirewasdischargedby the jet's 20mm cannon.
- They couldhearthepealofbellsand theroarof cannon.
- The U. S., Jeffersonfelt, wassafefrom Napoleon's cannons andmuskets.
- Ashellshotout of the cannon andwhizzedthrough thesky.
- If anythinglookedsuspicious, they did nothesitatetoblowit up with agrenade, a cannon or themaingunof atank.
- automatic
- blaster
- cannonade
- cannonball
- carry
- cock
- concealed carryidiom
- go off
- gunpoint
- gunsmith
- kick
- machine gun
- mortar
- pot
- shoot
- shoot up
- shooter
- sniper
- sniping
- Taser
insnookerorbilliards, anoccasionwhen theballhitstwo otherballsone after the other:
Insnooker, a cannon can be used toimproveyourposition.
- A cannon inEnglishbilliardshas ascoringvalueof 2points.
Snooker, pool & billiards
- baize
- billiard
- billiard ball
- break
- break(something)off
- carom
- cue
- cue ball
- frame
- miscue
- pool
- pot
- rack
- re-rack
- re-spot
- snooker
- snooker ball
- triangle
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Hitting against objects accidentally and colliding
uk/ˈkæn.ən/us/ˈkæn.ən/[Iusually+ adv/prep]mainly UK
toknockorhitagainst someone or somethingforcefullyandsuddenly, usually at anangle:
I wasrushingalong thecorridorwhen I cannonedintosomeone coming out of asidedoor.
[Iusually+ adv/prep]UK(UScarom)
tohitsomeone or something andbounceback at anangle:
Theballcannonedoffthe defender'sshinsand into thenet.
insnookerorbilliards, tocausetheballtohittwo otherballsone after the other:
He cannoned thecueballoff oneredinto another.
If theplayerstrikesthe opponent'sball, cannons onto theredballand then goes in off it, 4pointsarescored.
- Because she wasn'tlookingwhere she was going, shealmostcannoned into anothergirl.
- Theircarcannoned off thekerb,tyressquealing.
- Hebeatthegoalkeeperonly toseetheballcannon back off thepost.
- Thecueballcannoned in off ayellow.
- What do youcallashotwhere youintentionallycannon thecueballoff of oneredinto anotherredso that the secondredgoes into apocket?
Hitting against objects accidentally and colliding
- anti-collision
- anti-shock
- bang
- bowlsomeoneover
- bump
- carom
- catch
- collision
- crash
- ding
- jog
- pile(something)up
- post-crash
- run(something)intosomething/someone
- runsomeone/somethingdown
- scuff
- slam
- smash
- smashsomethingup
- strike
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Snooker, pool & billiards