acoverfixedover aseatorbed, etc. forshelterordecoration
photomanx21/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Cushions & furniture coverings
- antimacassar
- cushion
- loose covers
- pillow
- plump
- plush
- reupholster
- runner
- scatter cushion
- scatter rug
- slipcover
- soft furnishings
- soft goods
- table runner
- throw pillow
- throw rug
- upholster
- upholstered
- upholsterer
- upholstery
canopynoun[C](OF TREES)
thebranchesandleavesthatspreadout at thetopof agroupoftreesformingatypeofroof
Jassada Wattanaungoon/EyeEm/GettyImages
- afforestation
- agroforestry
- arborist
- brush
- cut down
- deforest
- deforestation
- disafforest
- logging
- lumberjack
- old growth
- ranger
- reafforest
- reafforestation
- slash-and-burn
- the treeline
- undercut
- understorey
- woodcutter
- woody
canopynoun[C](OF AIRCRAFT)
thetransparentpartin amilitaryaircraftthatcoverstheplacewhere thepilotsits
Giovanni Colla/Stocktrek Images/GettyImages
Air travel: parts of aeroplanes
- aileron
- aisle
- altimeter
- autopilot
- bulkhead
- finny
- fixed-wing
- flaperon
- flight deck
- multi-engine
- nose
- nose cone
- propeller
- safety belt
- shell
- skid
- spoiler
- stabilizer
- starboard
- wing
canopynoun[C](OF PARACHUTE)
thelargecircularpieceofcloththat is themainpartof aparachute
(降落伞的)伞衣Air travel: balloons & parachutes
- aeronaut
- aerostat
- airship
- balloon
- barrage balloon
- blimp
- chute
- dirigible
- hot-air balloon
- parachute
- ripcord
- weather balloon
- wingsuit
- Zeppelin