aformalspeechto acourt, usually by theaccusedpersonor by avictim,aspartofdecidingthesentence(=punishment), or theactof making aspeechlike this:
被告被裁定有罪后,在宣判前的求情陈词;受害人在宣判前的感受陈词;宣判前陈词的行为Hepleadedguiltyand during his allocution,admittedotherattacks.他承认有罪,并且在求情陈词中承认还有其他攻击行为。
Therightof allocution is astatutoryprovisionpermittingcrimevictimstospeakat thesentencingofconvictedoffenders.法律赋予受害人权利,在审判罪犯时作感受陈词。
aformalspeechgivingadvice,especiallyby areligiousleader:
(尤指宗教领袖的)训示,训谕Hepointedto PopeJohnPaul II’s allocution of 2004 thatstatedfeedingtubeswerepartofnormalcare.他援引了教皇保罗二世于二零零四年作出的训谕,在该讲话中教皇提出管饲属于普通护理。
the encyclicals, allocutions andapostoliclettersof Pius IX教皇庇护九世的通谕、训谕和牧函
- Herattorneyselectedfor her toreadan allocution, an unswornstatementthat is notsubjecttocross-examination.
- Theversionofeventsherelatedto aprobationofficerdifferedfrom the allocution he gave duringtrial.
- In his allocution, headmittedthat heoperateda Ponzischemethrough hisbusiness.
- Thedefendantisentitledto allocution before asentencingtermisimposed.
- It has been theintenttofollowthelineindicatedby theHolyFatherin his Allocution to the PlenaryAssemblyof the Congregation.
- In thedivineallocution (theKoran) there is thecommand, Vie ye with each other inhastening.
Court cases, orders & decisions
- actionable
- administer
- admissibility
- admissible
- affidavit
- conveyancing
- extinguishment
- extrajudicial
- fatal accident inquiry
- finding
- flight risk
- gagging order
- inquest
- moot
- plead
- precedent
- pretrial
- probate
- provide
- reconvict
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Religious practices