bar magnet
uk/ˈbɑː ˌmæɡ.nət/us/ˈbɑːr ˌmæɡ.nət/amagnetin theshapeof abarwhosemagneticforceisstrongestatitspoles(=ends), one endattractingironandsteelobjectsand the other endpushingthem away:
磁棒;条形磁铁If youhangabarmagnetfrom apieceofstring,itsnorthpolewillswinground topointto Earth'sNorthPole.如果把一块条形磁铁挂在一根绳子上,它的北极就会旋转指向地球的北极。

Mohamad Faizal Ramli/EyeEm/GettyImages
- Hisexperimentscan berepeatedeasilywithsmallbarmagnets.
- Themagneticfieldaround a solenoid issimilarto that around abarmagnet.
- Acompassneedleis like abarmagnet. When it isfreetorotate, itturnstopointnorth-south.
- If thesolarwinddid notexist, the earth'smagneticfieldwould be like that of abarmagnetinspace.
Chemistry: metals & metalworking
- alloy
- anti-tarnish
- base metal
- beaten
- bimetallic
- brazen
- brazier
- bullion
- cast iron
- ferrous
- galvanized
- gild
- gold leaf
- magnet
- manganese
- silver plate
- steelworker
- vermeil
- wrought iron
- zirconium
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