notactivelyinvolvedin areligion:
He and hiswifeare both non-practisingMuslims.
There are many nonpractising Christianslivingin thecommunity.
- Shedescribesherself as a non-practisingHindu.
- PractisingCatholicstendtovotemoreconservativelythan nonpractisingCatholics.
- Although I was non-practising, therabbimade mefeelverywelcome.
Religious beliefs & atheistic beliefs
- agnostic
- agnosticism
- Anglicanism
- animist
- anti-Catholic
- anti-Catholicism
- fetishism
- fetishistic
- heresy
- heretical
- humanistic
- ideologically
- ideologue
- mysticism
- orthodoxy
- pantheism
- superstition
- theological
- transmigration
- unbelieving
trainedto do atypeofworkbut not doing it at thepresenttime:
Some of thehospitaladministratorsare non-practisingdoctors.
Wewanttoencouragenon-practisingteachersto come back towork.
- Thesistersare both non-practisinglawyers.
- Thechangesareplannedtodrawthousands of nonpractisingnursesback towork.
- Thechairof thefoundationis a non-practisingpsychiatrist.
Passive and not working
- anywhere
- breather
- breathing space
- bum
- bum around
- dormancy
- idle
- laze
- leavesomeonebeidiom
- lie around
- moribund
- navel
- non-physical
- recharge
- siesta
- sit onyourhandsidiom
- sit round
- slob
- slob around (something)
- slop around (something)