alphabet soup
uk/ˌæl.fə.bet ˈsuːp/us/ˌæl.fə.bet ˈsuːp/alphabet soupnoun[U or S](FOOD)
atypeofsoupthatcontainssmallpiecesofpasta(= afoodmade fromflourandwater)in theshapeofletters:

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- amenufeaturingsuchclassicsasvealOscarandalphabetsoupwithchickendumplings
- Mysonhad beenbeggingforalphabetsoup. So Ipickedup somealphabetpastaandwhippedup somesoup.
- So what makes thisMexicanAlphabetSoupMexican? Well, it's all in the way youpreparethepasta.
- avgolemono
- bisque
- borscht
- bouillabaisse
- bouillon
- cock-a-leekie
- congee
- consommé
- court bouillon
- gazpacho
- madrilene
- Manhattan clam chowder
- menudo
- minestrone
- mock turtle soup
- pho
- potage
- ramen
- Scotch broth
- soup
alphabet soupnoun[U or S](MIXTURE)
aconfusedmixturethat isdifficulttounderstand, often because itcontainsa lot ofabbreviations(=shortformsof words)andacronyms(=abbreviationsformedfrom the firstlettersof each word in thenameof something):
(因含有许多符号或缩略语等而极难懂的)代号语言Healthplanshavechangedover theyearsinto analphabetsoupofHMOs, PPOs, and now HSA and HRAs.这些年来,医疗保险模式一变再变,成为艰涩难懂的代号语言,先是有HMOs和PPOs,现在又有了HSA和HRAs。
- They areprobablybetterequippedthan mostparentsto makesenseof thealphabetsoupof ESAs, UGMAs, IRAs, and so on that make up the nation'scollegesavingssystem.
- In thealphabetsoupofseismology, nondestructive P (primary)wavestraveltwiceasfastas thedangerousS (shear) and R (raleigh)waves- just aslightningprecedesthunder.
- There's already the ITED, ITSB, NAEP, PSAT,SAT, and ACT, and thealphabetsoupofstandardizedtestsMontanachildrentake eachyearislikelyto getthicker.
- She'sheardapatientcomplainofdrowningin "analphabetsoupofmedications".
Confusion, confusing and feeling confused
- addled
- all of a doodahidiom
- all over the placeidiom
- at seaidiom
- at sixes and sevensidiom
- disordered
- disorganization
- disorganized
- disorientating
- disorientation
- muzzily
- muzziness
- mysterious
- mysteriously
- mystification
- unaccountably
- unexplained
- wise
- woolliness
- woolly
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Variety and mixtures