old-fashioneduk/kæʃˈuː/us/kəˈʃuː/asmallsweetthat youeatto makeyourbreathsmellfresh:
Sherememberedher grandmother'svioletcachous.
Shedrewasmallpacketoffragrantsweetscalled cachous from herpocketand gave him one.
- She took two cachous from thedelicatepink-and-whiteporcelainboxon herdressingtable.
- As theykissed, hetastedthesweetscentof the cachou she had beensucking.
- She gave him a cachou everytimehevisitedher.
- almond paste
- baking chocolate
- barley sugar
- bitter chocolate
- bittersweet chocolate
- confectioner
- confectionery
- cooking chocolate
- cotton candy
- couverture
- Jordan almond
- jujube
- Kendal mint cake
- licorice
- liquorice
- selection box
- semisweet chocolate
- sherbet
- spun sugar
- stick of rock