thebottompartof anobject, on which itrests, or thelowestpartof something:
基底,底座;底层,底子acrystalglasswith aheavybase底部厚重的水晶杯
At the base of thecliffwas arockybeach.悬崖的下面是多岩石的海滩。
Thiscreamprovidesanexcellentbase foryourmake-up(= a goodbottomlayeron which otherlayerscan be put).这种乳霜化妆打底用效果极好。
- Draw aperpendicularfrom thevertexof thetriangletoitsbase.
- Firefightersplayedtheirhosesonto the base of thefire.
- Sandcarriedby thewindhas hollowed out the base of thecliff.
- Thedoctormanipulatedthe base of myspineand thepaindisappearedcompletely.
- The base of thebedwas made ofslats.
Surfaces of objects
- -backed
- back
- bases
- bed
- crust
- escutcheon
- face
- front
- meniscus
- multi-sided
- nap
- obverse
- outside
- overlay
- plate
- rear
- side
- substrate
- superficialis
- surface area
basenoun(MAIN PLACE)
themainplacewhere apersonlivesandworks, or aplacethat acompanydoesbusinessfrom:
基地;总部Ispenda lot oftimeinBrussels, but London is still my base.我经常呆在布鲁塞尔,但伦敦仍然是我的基地。
Nice is anexcellentbasefor(=placetostaywhen)exploringtheFrenchRiviera.尼斯是游览法国海滨度假胜地的理想去处。
Places involved in military activity
- air bridge
- air corridor
- bases
- Bastille
- battlefield
- battleground
- camp
- emplacement
- enceinte
- fort
- front-line
- garrison
- Martello tower
- multi-front
- observation post
- obstacle course
- parade ground
- PX
- theatre
- unmanned
aplacewhere there aremilitarybuildingsandweaponsand wheremembersof thearmedforceslive:
- Ateamof commandoes got thehostagesout from therebelbase.
- Theyradioedtheirbase forhelp.
- Theaircraftbase isprotectedwithspeciallydesignedshelterswhich arebuilttowithstandgroundandairattacks.
- Military bases wereprotectedbycapturedenemysoldierswho werehousedthere as ahumanshield.
- Theviolenceisunlikelytostopwithoutmilitarystrikesagainstterroristbases.
Places involved in military activity
- air bridge
- air corridor
- bases
- Bastille
- battlefield
- battleground
- camp
- emplacement
- enceinte
- fort
- front-line
- garrison
- Martello tower
- multi-front
- observation post
- obstacle course
- parade ground
- PX
- theatre
- unmanned
basenoun(IN BASEBALL)
one of the fourpositionson asquarethat aplayermustreachtoscoreapointin thegameofbaseball
Freer Law/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Baseball & rounders
- at batidiom
- ballgame
- ballplayer
- base hit
- bases
- doctor
- fish
- flare
- fly
- foul
- frame
- peg
- pitcher
- second base
- shag
- shortstop
- slugger
- sock
- stickball
- strike
theactivityorpeoplefrom which someone or something gets most oftheirsupport,money, etc.:
基础,支柱Astrongeconomydependson ahealthymanufacturingbase.强大的经济依赖于健康的制造业基础。
Origins and sources
- bases
- be a recipe for disaster, trouble, success, etc.idiom
- beginning
- birth
- birthplace
- breeding ground
- cradle
- emanate from/throughsomething/someone
- fount
- fountainhead
- gateway drug
- genesis
- hail
- originate
- paternity
- provenance
- recipe
- root
- seed
- son
basenoun(MAIN PART)
C2[Cusually singular]
themainpartof something:
主要成分acocktailwith awhiskybase用威士忌作基酒的鸡尾酒
Important and essential things
- -based
- amenity
- bare
- be-all
- big league
- focal point
- foreground
- fulcrum
- fundament
- grandaddy
- heavyweight
- hot button
- imperative
- name
- need
- nexus
- nub
- the grandaddy ofsomethingidiom
- the name of the gameidiom
- you can't make bricks without strawidiom
[Cusually singular]mathematicsspecialized
thenumberon which acountingsystemisbuilt:
基数Abinarynumberis anumberwritteninbase 2, using the twonumbers0 and 1.二进制数是一种用0和1两个数码表示、基数为2的数。
Terms for numbers
- additive inverse
- aliquot
- common denominator
- common factor
- common multiple
- cos
- exponent
- fold
- fortyfold
- fourfold
- hundredfold
- imaginary number
- odd
- recurring
- recurring number
- remainder
- resultant
- sevenfold
- weighting
basenoun(IN CHEMISTRY)
achemicalthatdissolvesinwaterandcombineswith anacidtocreateasalt
碱,盐基Chemistry: types of chemical
- acid salt
- aerogel
- alkali metal
- alkaline
- alkalinity
- antioxidant
- carbohydrate
- inorganic
- lectin
- melamine
- methyl orange
- monomer
- monosaccharide
- nitrogenous
- pectin
- propellant
- reactant
- saline
- soluble
- sulphide
literaryuk/beɪs/us/beɪs/notshowinganyhonourand having nomorals:
贱的;卑下的,卑鄙的Iaccusedhim of having basemotives.我谴责他动机卑鄙。
Morally wrong and evil
- abhorrent
- amoral
- amorality
- anomie
- antichrist
- disgrace
- dissipated
- dissolute
- dissolutely
- dissoluteness
- no goodidiom
- no more Mr Nice Guyidiom
- non-ethical
- obscene
- obscenely
- trespass
- turpitude
- unconscionable
- unconscionably
- unethical
verb[Tusually+ adv/prep]
to have aparticulartownorarea, etc. as themainplacethat youliveandworkin, or where you dobusinessfrom:
以某处(城市或地区等)作为生活、工作、经商的主要地点;将某地设为总部Where isyourfirmbased?你们公司的总部在哪儿?
He was based in(= helivedin or was at amilitaryestablishmentin)Birmingham during thewar.战争期间他驻扎在伯明翰。
- He was based in London during thewar.
- He's based inParisduring theweek.
- Thecompanyis based in Coventry.
Placing and positioning an object
- -based
- appose
- around
- changesomethingaround
- circle
- consign
- install
- lie
- pile(something)up
- plant
- redeposit
- reinstall
- reinstallation
- relocate
- reorientate
- spread
- stick
- superimpose
- transpose
- transposition
Phrasal verb