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单词 do with
释义 do with
1.treat;deal with对付;处理
*The teacher didn't know what to do with the naughty pupil.教师不知道该怎样对待那个顽皮的学生。
*What will you do with these imported goods?你们准备如何处理这些进口货?
*The play was terrible;half the actors didn't know what to do with their hands.这个戏糟透了,一半的演员不知道手往哪里放。
2.make do;be content with;manage with对付用;对…满意;将就着;凑合用
*I will just have to do with what I've got.我只能将就着用我现有的东西。
*Can you do with 500 yuan this school term?500元钱这学期你够用吗?
*We don't have tea.Can you do with a glass of water?我们没有茶,你能凑合着喝杯水吗?
*We couldn't afford fish, so we had to do with meat.我们买不起鱼,只好将就吃点肉。
3.tolerate;endure;put up with 容忍,忍受(跟can或could的否定式连用)
*I just can't do with those boastful people.我受不了那些爱吹牛的人。
*He couldn't do with waiting any longer,so he left.他不能忍受再等下去,因此走了。
*We can't do with such carelessness.我们不能容忍这样的粗枝大叶。
4.find useful or helpful;need;want;be glad to have需要;乐于接受(跟can或could搭配)
*After a day's hard work,he could do with a bath and a good meal.辛苦工作了一天后,他需要洗个澡并美餐一顿。
*Oh,I could do with a cup of tea.哦,我想喝杯茶。
*Your coat could do with a clean.你的大衣需要洗一洗了。 with;be acquainted with 跟…打交道;相处(跟have搭配)
*You shouldn't have anything to do with those people.你不要跟那些人相处。
*He has to do with computers.他得跟计算机打交道。
*I have got nothing to do with the matter.我跟这件事一点关系也没有。
*Have/Are you done with the book I lent you?我借给你的书看完了没有?
*I wanted to be done with it as soon as possible.我想尽快了结这件事。
*He told me that he had done with those people.他告诉我他已不和那些人来往了。
*Hitler,having done with his last meal,fetched Eva Braun for another and final farewell to his most intimate collaborators.希特勒吃罢最后一餐,带着爱娃·勃劳恩,与他最密切的合作者再一次作最后告别。
*I have done with cigarettes.我已经戒烟了。




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